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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Ca va bien mercy Et tu? Mes devoir. Ce n'est pas gentil. ( I had to use google translate for some of that
  2. Yes :biggrin2: I don't think I've seen that before...

  3. Where is your siggy from? :teehee:

  4. Elle a appelé ses poupées laid! (I had to google translate that )
  5. If he's in America, he would have gotten up early just to watch it
  6. Merci ( But I actually had to google translate that sentence you made ) Je suis fatigue. Je vais aller au lit. Au revoir! (I don't know how to say goodnight ) Sweet Mika dreams!
  7. Do you know how they made it? :teehee:

  8. Hey! I'm english and the Sheffield gig was sold out So please, if you are smacking the english, make sure it's just the stupid people in London
  9. I was just wondering, How did you make your signature? :teehee:

  10. I think this means yes, it's all good? Or something along those lines Erm. Hier, j'ai regarde un film appele Beastly. C'etait (?) super. Mon film prefere est The Lovely Bones parce que c'est bizarre et avec beacoup de coleurs. (I'm sorry this is all so basic. I have to take baby steps )
  11. I am guessing that means you know what I am saying
  12. Salut! Je suis de retour. (I think that's what it is.)
  13. Ok, I think I understood that. Do not panic? And then will something with me? Told you I was bad XD Holy moly. I have to go now, but this was fun. Au revoir!!! Je vais regarder la television!!!
  14. Aussi, miss.roxy, (can you speak every language there is?)
  15. merci J'aime google translate Erm... Salut! Erm... Je ne suis pas bonne en francais. Je suis un débutant. (I'd love to come here more often to get good at french basically )
  16. (Hi, I'm english. But I wondered if I could test out my french in here?)
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