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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Just realised how nice Mika's hair looks on this Even though it is shorter, it still looks nice and curly
  2. 'Icey Icey. 5 am wake up call a flight.' OMG. These are so good 'Sorry I love his home. i'm serious! he looks great On my coke bottle launch So, this am loving her?' Just did KTTunstall and this came up: 'My tampon packet says Follow us with a goddess! Truly awesome. All hail International Womens Day, you?' OMG. And another tampon related one : 'V-H-uck yeah!! I follow tampons on an arm extension. RT@luckythelab is the magnificent Eco Rules OK!'
  3. Another! I'd never slaughter you. One more writing. Sessions here last. I am being waved all over a BA flight from? And another: Yo Beirut!! Just got myself ready for ****. Sorry I am actually going to Vigo, Spain. That one made me laugh so much!!! GEEZ! its a guard dog. Meet Melachi The Bee Good morning Istanbul. Lunchtime I can check out my Fan Club! These are so awesome XD 'Oh boy.' 'On my asia tour this afternoon. But I met me too much honey? ha! thanks duck, i mean sorry for the world.' 'Last night of many I am Mammamia So, I'm told. Am sitting writing Yo! I was incredible.' 'YO! Just landed in a pile of snow arond here last. I was absolutely loved my next album & also my sister!' That's the best one ^^
  4. I got from mikasounds: Here's today's hotel room. Here's today's hotel room smells so much Mx 2 words: KICK ASS that's even?
  5. That's alot then :aah: Well, I hope to see you on here soon, before the next album is out!

  6. Ok :aah: You sound so busy :aah: I'm hardly busy at all these days.

  7. :aah: You should come on more often, I miss you :tears: They are pretty weird and wonderful once you get used to them :aah:
  8. I usually just go on Oldings thread :aah: And the undies thread. And the random ones :aah: I find them fun!

  9. Thanks! :das: Nice to see you on MFC again! :aah:

  10. YKYAMFW you are watching Mika doing Rain live, and it is the remix version, and some people in the audience do not know this and they end up singing when the song actual stops singing And you laugh at them.
  11. I was eating grapes. BUt now I am eating prawn cocktail flavoured crisps.
  12. I love these flying ones I've been obsessed with jumping in pictures lately
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