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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Hey You! What's a good girl like you doing in this CRAZY world?
  2. Thankyou for posting. I don't know what to say, it's just all so shocking that it happened and I am so thankful that Paloma lives in the UK at the moment. And thankful we have the NHS.
  3. I haven't sorted them at all. Just 6000 pics in one huge folder XD And then the folder got too small for the pics, so I now have a Mika 1 folder and a Mika 2 folder
  4. I know. It was weird. And then later this random guy came into my room whilst I was sleeping, and he had a puppet, and it was staring at me, and I was like and hyperventalating (I don't know how to spell it) and the puppet said : "I... WILL... KIIIILLLL....... YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!" It was so scary, I woke up with my heart racing
  5. Thankyou for the video :aah: It brightened up my day :aah:

  6. Me and my dad sing that song in the care sometimes, but we screech at the chorus We ruin it to be honest. But I love that one too. ALso: This woman's work ~ Kate BUsh.
  7. teehee. I like them both too, but I prefere the second and hopefully the third one will be just as awesome!

  8. I know! It's annoying that most people just know the first album, cos I prefere the second! You?

  9. :aah: I prefere the second album to the first! So I'd say, oooh, erm, I really don't know :aah: I like One Foot Boy. And By the time, and loverboy, and I see you, and blue eyes. I'm basically just naming the songs from the album now :aah:
  10. :aah: I agree kinda! Cos over time, a few different songs of his have been my favourites!
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