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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. I know! It's pretty hard :aah:

  2. What's your favourite Mika song?

  3. :aah: Blame it on the girls remix for me :aah:
  4. Fun :aah: Just listening to Mika really :aah:

  5. OOoh i love 'em :aah: What are you doing today?

  6. Same :/ Do you like the black eyed peas?

  7. it's going good thanks :aah: You?

  8. Awesome!!! I'm seeing her in october..
  9. Last night I dreamt Mika came into my room. He then bit my neck. I turned into a vampire. We went round my village sucking people's blood. Twas good.
  10. Are coldplay having a new album out any time soon? I need more music from them!
  11. Wowee! Bet it was amazing. It's so annoying when the moment is over though, so it's awesome you got a picture!!! :D

  12. You are right. I hope it happens like that. They all sound lovely
  13. Oh wow! That's a brilliant picture! Did you have an amazing time?!

  14. Hi! Do you have a bigger version of your avatar? I'd love to see it!

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