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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. I bought recently: Katy Perry ~ Teenage Dream Katy Perry ~ One of the boys Mumford and sons ~ Sign no more Chris Garneau ~ El Radio Lion King soundtrack
  2. I just read through the hole thing and it is a pretty awesome topic for you lot to talk about It got you chin wagging.
  3. Soooo happy! Tuessdays were meant to be my worst day of the week. IT WAS THE BEST (so far)
  4. Still waiting and wishing... Ah, that reminds me of a Jack Johnson song. Teehee. 'Well, I was sitting, waiting, wishing, you believed in superstition'
  5. Mika: Eloise, I love you. Eloise: Bog off you idiot. You didn't admit to it five years ago when I knew you did love me. NOW GO AWAY. Mika: Oh... Ok. Bye.
  6. Ah right. Thankyou for that information! My dad used them. But he is blind in one eye, so only uses one
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