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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Well, i have seen the first three films, if i wanted to watch the most recent one, should I catch up on the other ones?
  2. Grrrr. cant watch the videos. When i downloaded that IP thingy that lets you watch them, it blocked off my internet completely But I uninstalled it. I'd love to see rain Oh wow. it looked like a great show though
  3. Wow, seeing these pics has made me teary. I have missed this time of year, and its been a year since children in need, and i saw him on tv today performing for children in need, from last year. It was cool. But the old black jacket is so awesome.
  4. Hey, i hope you dont mind me asking, but did you buy them, and how much for?
  5. Just looking for a video I saw quite a long time ago, and it might just be my mind playing up, but does anyone know where there is a video, and mika is talking about the second album, and the songs on it, and I think someone asks what his favourites are, or which ones he likes, and I think he says rain, and some others. Does anyone know which video I mean?
  6. I heard good gone girl in burger king a couple of days ago.
  7. Teehee. It is awesome :teehee:

  8. Oooh thanks. Teehee. it took a long time too :aah: I shall find the link :das:



    this is part 3 of the show. but there are two other parts to it aswell. I think the bit in my sig is around 4 or 5 mins. And I just used a programme called Camtasia Studio 7. You get a free 30 day trial if you download it :das:

  9. Girl with one eye in my pants OMG that is awesome...
  10. :aah: Well, you are actually four months older than me, I clicked on 1996, rather than 1997 :aah: Oops.
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