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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Oh thanks! Glad you like it :teehee:

  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00vjry8/Ask_Rhod_Gilbert_Episode_5/ This show. David tennant says, 'IF IT SAYS IT ON THE SCREEN, ITS TRUE! Cockralls crow whenever they feel like it. That's it. PRESS THE BUTTON, PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!'
  3. I'm gonna see her in FEB!
  4. Awesome. Oh yes, you will have to get someone in wont you. What do you do about dentist appointments?

  5. Ah. So I guess that is a good thing anyway :aah: I just got a new haircut, and my hair feels soft :teehee:

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aBwMl-xsQw I had just made this video for her.
  7. 6-8 people! WOW! The smallest class is about 19 :aah: That must be good for you.

  8. I like chemistry too. I love music and i like english because it is a lazy lesson and I sit next to my best bud.

  9. Ah. What is your favourite subject? I like art and music.

  10. Man! It must be hard! I have the usual, english, maths, science, drama, ict, music, french, german, P.E. History, D.T. Geography, R.S. and art and technology. How about you?

  11. OOoooh! Please could you give me a link to them?

  12. Wow, that does sound quite cool. Do you enjoy it? My dad goes a bit like this:


    Up at 7am, bus at 7.30 get to school at 8am, then registration for half an hour. Then lessons start at 8:55 , we get a break 10:55 then lessons again, then lunch time at 12:15. Then we have some time to ourselves then we get baack to lessons at 12:55. Then lessons until 3. I have netball after school on tuesday, and badminton on thursdays. My right arm kills from playing it quite badly :aah: But I love it!

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