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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. My friend turns to me in english, eyes wide open and whispers 'spazzyyyyyyy' and looks away again and shivers.
  2. gooooooood thx. growing pains :aah:

  3. Ah. I was on a tour of a factory and we were on a balcony, and then it turned into a gig! And me and cisserz were there and about 50 other people were at the gig. It was really small. So we couldnt see very well and then it was the break. So we went onto the ground floor and a woman was asking us if we wanted to sit at the front cos there were some spare seats (SEATS?) and then a man came out and told people there were only 300 hotdogs left so get them quick then mika came on did a bit of rain and then stopped. There was no band either. then he started talking to Cisserz about school ( ) and i was there just taking a picture of him cos he was standing right over me, and leaning over me and he looked into the camera and shouted "DO I LOOK SEXY?" I was like "HELL YEAH!" and then the lights went right down and some girls came on in clothes which were a bit revieling (is that how you spell it?) and they started to tap dance around mika he loved it and then at the end they held him up and said "tada!" It was the most awesome dream I've had in a long time
  4. Ok! awesome. I am looking forward to reading it and replying :das:

  5. Ah. I wandered where you were! I miss talking to you. My new school sucks

  6. So its natural? And practise? So if i keep trying i may be as good as you one day?
  7. Have you ever had any training, or special schooling? Or training? Or is it natural?
  8. Yo. Just wandering, but is there a thread about general art? and things we have drawn, rather than mika artwork.
  9. that is a possibility. but i will survive. :teehee:

  10. I would but it is quite far away. :aah:

  11. He is a very silly man indeed.

  12. Ah. I was in M&S with my dad today, and David was on the cover of radio times or something like that and i rushed up to and went omg omg. Dad buy me this now, and he just carried on walking :aah:

  13. Ook! But i might have to wait a while cos I live in the uk, and i dont travel abroad much.
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