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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Hmmm. It is a puzzling question. 6 months.. I CAN wait that long. Have before. Can do it again. Hopefully.
  2. taha! He didnt say much. I just told him he was about to write on the wrong side and told him to flip over. And then i gave him stuff for his birthday and he said thx & cool. He unfortunatly didnt say anything bout the hat.

  3. i know. I miss him so much! I had a 'David Tennant' night last night, just watchng videos of him on youtube. ahhh. I love him on never mind the buzzcocks. And he likes coldplay! Woo!

  4. this one? OMG i am so happy too. Lol. thankyou. Erm.. Maybe I could save the video to my computer and send it to you through email if you want. But if you arent fussed it doesnt matter.
  5. Hi! Do you mind if I use the pic you took of mika from the M&G? The one with the horn on the right corner? Cos that horn is from my hat :tee: Would you mind if I put it in my sig?

  6. XD its ok. Thnakyou, and I agree!

  7. I just rushed down stairs to show my mum, and i ran so quickly i tripped up!!!!!!!!!! and then i couldnt stop laughing on the was back to the computer XD
  8. OMG! that horn in the right corner, it is from my hat!! Do you have any more of me?
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