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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Ah right!!! I will look out for you next time. I will wear the hat. It will be my signature item:naughty:
  2. Sorry! Its just that I didnt really know who anyone was! and i havent ever seen pics of you, so i have no idea!
  3. teehee! cool! Oh ok. I cant remember whether you were on the right or left of me. I cant even remember if you were next to me. I can hardly remember anything
  4. Oh, its ok! Maybe another time! Did you see someone with a fluffy cow hat on? like this: cos that is me. Dunno if you recognise me. (btw did anyone you were with, or you, have any videos from the m&g. i am desperate for one of me and mika, cos my mum thought she was recording us two, but she wasnt. )
  5. Yep! Got them. They arent great so you might wanna see if someone else can do them, but i will send you them anyway in a bit! Big brother is on :teehee:

  6. Do you have facebook?

  7. ah. I meant the right. I didnt mean the left. So that is probably why. I did turn round once in a while to actually see if anyone else was waving and dancing along, and it might have been you i saw. Was great to see you too!
  8. Did you see a big fluffy hat, with horns, I was on the front row of the balcony on the left. Probably third to left from the centre.
  9. PLEASE! ANYONE HAVE ANY M&G VIDEOS? my mum thought she was filming me meeting mika, but turns out she didnt even press the record button
  10. :teehee: I saw you! at the gig :teehee:
  11. So, I went to Edinburgh on saturday around 8 in the morning. Too early for me. And got there at lunch time. So me and my mum just looked round the city for the rest of the day, and went in the park and stuff. Then as we were walking down the royal mile a small chinese man came up to us and gave us a leaflet for a show called Continental. It was a Japanese mime act. So me and my mum went to the box office to see if we could get tickets for it. But the line was REALLY long and we were in the queue for almost an hour, and whilst we were in the queue and lady called Sarah something or other came up to us and gave us a leaflet for her comedyshow. So we said we would go to that on Suday. Then sunday came. In the morning we went to the Botanic Gardens and it was pretty there. Every five minutes I would be saying "24 hours til mika" , "22 hours til mika" e.t.c. It was fun! Then in the afternoon, we went back to the town again. I had seen this hat down the Royal Mile, and really wanted it, so i had a look at found it! I will post a pic later of me wearing it! Then later whilst walking up Royal Mile, me and my mum bumped into Vicky and Ingie! Wooo! Then they took us up to the tatoo place and we met 'the gang'. Then we walked down into the busy city and there was a cool dude throwing fire about. MFCers just left me and my mum to watch him! (guys, you missed the best part) He breathed fire! it was awesome. then me and mum went to have pasta for tea and walked on to see the comedien sarrah person. Once we had found the venue, we then found out it was an 18 and over venue only!!! after all that too! Gosh. So we just went back to our B&B cos we were exhausted. MONDAY ARRIVED! In the morning we went down to a science place called, ok, I cant remember what it is called. Erm... Let me think. It was called something like discover earth. i really cant remember. It was about to planets and solar system. AMAZING THOUGH! and then we went to 'The Dome' to see a show that was playing in there. And then we found out DAVID TENNANT WAS DOING THE VOICE OVER ! was truly awesome. Made me feel motion sick though. The afternoon arrived... Me and my mum went on a tour of the city on a tour bus. 'Twas ok. Chilly though. Then we went back to the B&B and got ready. OK, so you guys wanna know how I got in? I met this very kind lady on twitter, saying she could help me get in. And basically she has a bad knee, and I would go in as her 'carer' and they couldnt exactly depribe her of her carer, could they? So that is how I got in!!! Woo! and it worked! So Marie, if you are reading this, THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU! So, we got in, and we went up to the balcony and we waited about an hour for everyone to get in and for the show to start. We were at the front of the balcony, and it was a great view. But I think i was blocking the ladys view behind me cos I was wearing a big furry hat Sorry where ever you are. The show began and Pearl and the puppets came on. They were pretty aweome. Then Mika.... Omg, I could scream, really, could sing along, I was just so stunned. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Mika. Wow. It was unbelievable. The gig went on, and I think I must have been the most livliest person on the balcony, I was waving about on every song. And I think iMMa saw me and my hat and started laughing at me. I think. But I did look odd. Mika looked at me once during the show! Woo. But it was incredible. Unfortunetly we werent allowed to stand up on the balcony, so that was crappy. Then the show ended Disappointed he didnt play that many 'slow' songs. But it was still aweseome. Me and my mum decided to queue up outside to meet mika. We didnt wait long. When he was coming up to me, my heart was pounding sooooo much. I gave him my book to sign, and he almost signed to wrong page so I shouted 'nooooooooooo! other side ' so he turned over and signed it. Then I gave him my birthday gifts, a card and a belt. He just simply said, ooooooh that is cool. thanks. So it was the most amazing night ever! On the way back to the B&B i was shaking and my mum had to hug me to the bus stop! and i couldnt stop saying 'wow' . Hope you enjoyed reading this. Thanks
  12. Back now dudes! It was awesome. So awesome I cried a tiny bit and when he came on the stage, I could scream. Epic man. When i met mika, my mum thought she was filming me and him meeting each other, but she wasnt recording :'( So does anyone have a video of a girl with a furry hat with horns kinda small, black coat, cos that is me, and i really wanna see what my face was like when i met him. I shall do a report later, and just incase you were wandering, I did get in!!!!
  13. righto! I gotta go for a bath, and then i am off to edinburgh tomorrow, so i am signing off now and wont be back on til tuesday! Wish me goodluck in surviving! :aah:

  14. THANKYOU! ah, that pic is cute.

  15. Oh no! It says something about it wont work!

  16. Hi! Where did you get your avatar from?! I love it!

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