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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. If you have a look on the news forum and on the mika souel thingy it has a link to the site that has the pics on it

  2. I know. I always end up laughing when painful but odd things like that happen:aah:
  3. Ah:aah: thankyou. I think so too lol I guess you must be extremely nice like me too:aah:
  4. My friend bumped into a door and made a funny nose cos she bumped her thumb. And I laughed. Then I later noticed there was some blood on the floor and her thumb so bleeding so much. I was like oh s**t. And apparently another friend she scraped her hand on a stick and she fainted next to a toilet. It was so funny the way she explained it.
  5. M: Hi eloise E: Hi mika M: How are you? E: I am ok. How are you? M: Ok. I am gonna go now. You are boring me. E: Ok, you are boring me too. M: I'll see you later. E: bye M: bye
  6. Today someone put a sticky not on my back that said 'hug me' on it. And then the boy i fancied came up to me and hugged me and then his friend went, ew no thankyou. Lol
  7. After seeing all these pics, I really wanna be a Lolipop girl
  8. Yo dudes. I have used the MFC search and google search but i cant find the thread about photography. help me please
  9. Yo. how are you

  10. I just feel so sorry for the owner, and the dogs and YOU
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