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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. oops it came up. lol. ok copy this 2lw59h1.jpg[/img] but remove the one at the beginning and a at the end so it will work

  2. France rock. Uk, not so much. They just like rappers that sound like jamaican people and girls that cant sing
  3. im ok. thankyou. lost my phone.... annnoying

  4. yeh! I have never seen it before

  5. lol. i once dreamt i stole his t shirt. and then he put me in jail cos i stole it.
  6. you know your profile pic? avatar, where did you find it?

  7. Once i dreamt i went to a gig in rome or somewhere and forgot the tickets. so i snuck in, but i snuck throught the wrong door. and mikas mum said: you must be the replacement for iMMa. so i got to sing on stage with him, and then he hugged me at the end and said: thankyou eloise! you have been amazing! and then after he have me a vip ticket. so i went to the vip room and you could have a meal with him!
  8. hi. I like your pic with iMMa cute :)

  9. heehee. thankyou. go on a thread! post something there!

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