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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. 7f212b924b.jpg mika and mfc think you are groovy :dance_man:
  2. hi. ok. first get a avatar sorted. click on user cp, then on the left it says edit avater, use a pic of mika or you, or anything you like.

  3. when you are ready, go to forums, at the top, then introductions, click on new threadm and just say hello


  4. oh right. lol. thanks. i have the dvd but cant remember this. I am also looking for the video of him singing love today, it might have been for t4 or something. but he was sitting down and the camera and himself moved without the audience. you know what i mean?
  5. oh yeh. definately. i went there the day after we saw mika. and i saw some people walking round there with mika t shirts on. lol

  6. Huddersfield, you heard of it? its about 40 minutes away from sheffield. Peolple think my mika obsession is cool so they like me :)

  7. I know! i really miss that day too. I wish i could re-live it again. I wish that one of the boys in my class coudl be there. they arent really my friend. but they know mika more than most people (accept me) in my class cos i sit next to them and drive him nuts talking about mika. and he is always saying " if mika was outside the window dying,and you couldnt help him what would you do?" and "what would you do if mika walked in right now" and they are saying "can i see your mika bible (mika sketchbook)pleaseee?" funny dude

  8. ok thanks! Im still wearing the band from seeing mika! 1okfut.jpg

  9. well, thankyou for believing i will meet him. My mum is confident that i will meet him through my music. or something. hope i meet him in the next year
  10. in the middle of french i dream about how i meet him. or that he randomly comes in and rescues me and takes me away.......
  11. hope so. i saw him in sheffield. but my mum wanted to go home. so i didnt see him
  12. today i couldnt get onto my computer at school cos i forgot my passowrd. But i cant remember what it is. and i know it is related to mika
  13. sad seeing all the autographs people have recieved at gigs.
  14. I'd like to see a pic. from anywhere! cos it just sounded like a funny experience. apperently it happened at parc de princes ?
  15. Have to say. I love his performance of any other world at sheffield. Probably cos i was there. i duunnnooo :
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