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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. mine say stalls too but im still going near the front no mkatter what!

  2. hi its my pink socks here from twitter!

  3. standing!!!! and me and my mum and my mum are all queueing up from lunch time lol when are you getting to sheffield?

  4. hi hi hi hi hi!!!! omg 2 days

  5. OMG 11 DAYS! THAT IS A WEEK AND FOUR DAYS! OMFG.i really want to see him. i hope i dont faint now. cos i wont see him.
  6. here are some things i made. use them for anything you like. i know they're not great. but you can use them for alsorts and maybe as signatures. I did!
  7. im probably one of the worst mika obsession people. The other day my teacher put mika as his llaptop background and put it on the smartboard. and then he said eloise, come here. i did and then he said look everyone! I have a virus on my computer
  8. school, cos i havent done work yet! TNP is going to watch mika on itv tonight
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