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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. I listened to the first five seconds and gave in. I think I already have the prize anyway
  2. Getting my hair cut today I'll probably be getting a full fringe back to cover my spotty forehead.
  3. Thankyou Emma! I really should revise for it a bit, but I have a headache and I'm exhausted.
  4. The ones that I could listen to the most without getting bored are probably the ones I'd regard as my favourite. Those were Lola, Love You When I'm Drunk and Karen. Karen gives me goosebumps, even though I don't understand a word of it.
  5. Please don't hate me, but please could you possibly go and like my bands facebook page? http://www.facebook.com/TheWhiteWolvesUK Thankyou.
  6. I thought that might have been what you meant. Nope, haven't had the time. And I'm not that good at doodling really, so I haven't bothered
  7. Is that from his twitter, I can't seem to find it? But it's hilarious anyway I was expecting some lovely picture with a nice view of trees, but this is way better.
  8. I wasn't really here for long, but hope you all had a nice day! Off to bed.
  9. I can't do any more of this english exam, my eyes are going crazy. Just one more question, I'll do it in the morning.
  10. Are you ok? Mentally?! People with seasonal effective disorder must have real problems.
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