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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Sorry, I didn't think I'd have to go that far. OH YOU FIRE QUEEN. I love you deary. YIPPPPEEEEE! Teal.
  2. It's quite crazy that a year ago we were hoping for a new album, and now it's in our hands. MFC is six years old! Gosh, how time flies.
  3. I'm slightly confused. I shall just reply: Oh my fire king... Where can I get myself one of those?
  4. It's ok That's so sweet that he rang you up AW YOU GUYS. YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. I CAN TELL. AAAAAAAAAW. GUYS.
  5. If someone was good with photoshop, they could really make something interesting out of those two...
  6. Well of course it is. I'M THE HIPPEST BADASSEST GAL IN TOWN. Don't you do anything riskay like that?
  7. I SWEAR I DID. Stupid computer. Are you and Clint ok now? I'm fine thanks, had a nice relaxing day drawing Mika. Can't do much better really.
  8. How are you on this fine evening? NOOOOOOO! I like that one Oh dear. I don't know how I didn't spot it
  9. Waterloo Road was very good. Very good. I admire the creativity of the writers.
  10. AAAAAAAAAAAAW HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL! When I went to the doctor who experience on Monday, they had a screwdriver you could buy, that was actually a tv remote control! But it was something like sixty pounds.
  11. I can't get away from the computer. OSIHPE9OIJPFI.. OK. MUST. LEAVE. *presses off button slowly*
  12. (He did, because he loved it so much, he knew that the longer he did stay, the harder it would be to leave. So it's for everyone's sake. APPARENTLY.) I miss him everytime I see Matt Smith's face. OFF TO BED, NIGHT NIGHT!
  13. But the thing is, HE WAS THE ONE THAT DECIDED TO LEAVE, but I like to think that isn't true.
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