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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. That's really weird that they weren't accepting it then Sorry they were such a pain I guess they were just trying to do their job.
  2. Why wouldn't it have been valid?! Was it the same as the other passes?
  3. Definitely No mention of Mika yet! EDIT: He's on at 12:15!
  4. He just said, 'that's right, another two hours of this'. I love Graham
  5. Last night was probably one of the best gigs I've been to! The audience were really great, and Mika remarked that we all samg in tune! Hoooray! The best part was when I wore the 'Mika' mask and he smiled at me like, 'da fuq is wrong with you?!' and then I passed it to Jo and she gave it to him! He messed around with it and I've just uploaded a video from my phone of him with it. the action man thing was hilarious! at the end they put one of them on a stool and sprayed glitter on it! I'd say Mika seemed to enjoy it, and the crowd definitely did, but he did mention that it was like when he drove up to Manchester last time for the BBC interview and it was all a bit like a dream he also mentioned it would be the last UK gig he will do for a VERY long time! But with such a gig as a departure, I don't mind. Loved it overall! He worked really hard, and tge audience really reacted to it and loved it. I smelt terrible after with the sweat I was producing (sorry for spelling mistakes, on mu phone)
  6. I wish I could set off now Singing exam first! SEE YOU THERE! I can't wait Apparently he wasn't on form last night in London N'ah well, I'm sure we'll love it.
  7. No school today due to ice! Which is kind of good because I can get to the gig earlier, but also kind of bad. I hope the roads aren't to bad in Manchester?
  8. When? Hmmmmm, he probably was kidding and wouldn't want you to take it to heart! I don't see how you could possibly be a slut anyway when you just have one boyfriend that you really care about!
  9. Oh I thought he was younger, like six or something, and you were gonna destroy him!
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