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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Thankyou for the translation! I'm so happy for you and the other fans that got to go! I can't imagine how immensely amazing that must have been! Congrats!
  2. Naaaaaaaaw Emma Cheer up chuck! I suggest you have some painkillers to help with the pain!
  3. Oh yar, I had for teeth taken out a couple of years ago. Not fun BUT YOU MUST EAT!
  4. I'm quite ill also, but I'll try my very best to act as loud and as crazy as possible (in a good way) so he can enjoy the gig
  5. We really should, I might make a banner and give him some lemsip Being ill on stage to a not-very-lively audience; I can't think of anything worse
  6. I'm really worried about him now! I'm worried that at the London and Manchester gigs, the crowds won't be supportive and sing very loudly, and it will be alot of hard work for him .
  7. :huglove: It'll be ok Emma! You'll get more chances to see him, I'm sure! Is he postponing the gig?
  8. Woah, those are cool. Might get some myself. Just to put in my room in general.
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