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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. I remember when there was a girl called Shabby on Big brother. She was awesome.
  2. Yes! I feel the exact same way! It just ruins the beginning for me, and it just makes it sound like someone is shuffling along awkwardly.
  3. Thought I bought a Fleetwood Mac album today. Turned out to be the CD with a bunch of covers on it. LORD.
  4. I might just try. Even if it is a one-man stage invasion. How DID you do that? Magic. I would have loved too, but sadly I'm under 18, and you have to be over 18 to be part of the choir It really sucks, cos that would have been a dream come true really That's why I shall stage invade and grab the choir's microphone and sing with grace and beauty.
  5. I hope that there isn't a barrier in between the stage and the audience. I WANNA STAGE INVADE
  6. If I can get some, I'll bring some more along. The more the merrier!
  7. Love them all! They're really good, and I thought they were official ones then. I'm disappointed, I wanted to buy one! I love the first and third though
  8. So, shall we try and arrange something like pom-poms for popular?
  9. Maybe the website was American or something? And they usually release early over there. I used to love mine I kept it very safe and clean. OH IT'S GOTTA DOGGY STICKERS ON IT. MWAHAHA.
  10. I have the very first one too, they only came out in 2005 IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. I remember the very first time I saw an advert for one on TV and I just thought it was amazing
  11. STUPID REVISION. WHY DO YOU MAKE MY BRAIN HURT AND NEED CONSTANT CARE AND ATTENTION? Jesus. And Emma, you heard of Joni Mitchell? I've just noticed in that GIF, Gaga looks alot like Joni
  12. I've just found out I have a singing exam at 1:41pm, so I thought with escaping school early, this was the perfect excuse! But then I realised I'm going back to school to pick up two of my friends that are also coming, so I won't be getting there until 4 ish We'll try and arrive as quickly as possible though to get a decent place in the line so my height won't be too much of an issue
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