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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. *bumpedybump* Hello, I was just wondering if there were any high quality pictures of some of Yasmine's work? I'd especially appreciate it if there was a high quality image for the Live in cartoon motion DVD.
  2. Thankyou for the pics and photos! It looked like a really happy night!
  3. Brain? That's an unfortunate name... Luckily my parents don't really know my friends so it's ok. But they do walk in the wrong direction all the time, so I have to end up running after them and shouting at them like they are naughty children.
  4. Probably not as embarassing as mine... At parents evening last week, my parents butted heads, and then laughed REALLY loudly about it.
  5. It's fine, don't worry about it I'm always popping in and out of MFC these days... Ooh nice!
  6. HEY. I've been very busy. And I usually come on here straight after school everynight, but I've had band rehearsal. I play the bass I SHALL.
  7. I haven't talked on here properly in ages. I feel like doing something Mika-ish. Probably make some GIF's outta that Paul video I cried with laughter
  8. I'm fine at the moment thanks, due to painkillers, but I'm pretty tired. Have fun
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