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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. HELLO YOU! It's kinda cloudy here, but NICE CLOUDS THAT ARE IN STRANGE SHAPES.
  2. Yup! It's an advertisement Haven't seen them there before!
  3. Eeeeeeeeek... *bites nails* But saw this on spotify today!
  4. I'm too friggin nervous to ask him in person. HE'S SO CUTE UGH UGH. HE'S LIKE THE BLOND VERSION OF MIKA. Anyway, off to bed. NIGHT!
  5. Oooh he definitely is. Just checked films, and there aren't any good films on... DARN.
  6. I want to ask this guy out to the cinema, but I'm so busy at the moment I have no idea when.
  7. Aaaaw Emma I'm sorry! That shucks. I do! Aaaaw, do you want to be with him forever, or don't you know at the moment? My one and only boyfriend lasted two months... Not too shabby.
  8. Oh Emma That is definitely what it is! And if you feel that way forever, then you should get married That's a pretty long time Longer than me anyway.
  9. You're not dumb. That's a wise idea! I don't know, do you actually want to get married then?
  10. That is true baby, but the UK isn't a country Please stop talking to them, they might hurt you. WOAH MAMMA.
  11. Girl in audience: LOLLIPOP! Mika: Poppilop? Alex: Love you when I'm drunk! Mika: Aaaah see, I don't have that one ready yet. If you ask me tomorrow night after my day of rehearsals I'll have it ready. Can you play it? You can actually play it? Are you serious? Can you play Stardust? Alex: No I can't play that yet. Mika: But you can play Love you when I'm drunk? *not sure about this bit* Mika: Can we try it? Alex: Yeh! Mika: Get on stage then! *crowd claps* CURTIS, YOU'RE FIRED! I found a ...(?) to replace you. And he may be better look! Can we, can you just erm... *goes to side* Alex: Won't be able to play it now *Alex plays SITM* Mika: Why'd you ****ing stop? Alex: I dunno Mika: You're teasing people like one of those piano bar people. I go to this one place, I've got this one man campaign, my mission is to get pubs to put pianos back in them. Audience: Yeeeeeeeeeeh! Mika: It's no longer a one man campaign, clearly! And erm, the only problem is that there's this one guy and he gets really, really pissed, and the only things he likes covering are very very drunk versions of erm... Adele songs at midnight every single night. (?) Quickly took away his piano after five nights in a row of getting completely wasted, crying to someone like you (?) I don't know why I'm telling you this, it's completely not interesting. The truth is my pack is broken. SO, ****s on you boy. Alex: Cheers Mika. Mika: You're welcome. What's your name? Alex: Alex. Mika: Alex *wooooooooooo* That's a warmer welcome than they've given me all night! Alex: I can sing aswell. *laughter* Mika: What? Audience: He can sing! Mika: You can sing aswell? Shutthefuuuuu..... *unplugs mic* So if we're gonna do this, this is a horrible, horrible, horrible experiment, but why not? Erm, my band have never played this song with me before, but they're all gonna do it with me tonight. But the deal is this, you're gonna sing the chorus, and we're all gonna do a chorus or something and then if it's all terrible, we'll just shrug it off or something... So, who got the record today? ... I love the five hands that just came up in the air! There's me with optimism for the future. So, on this record, there's a song called I only love you when I'm drunk, and the chorus goes like this! *sings* And that's it! Hope someone actually still wants this
  12. You're all very welcome! My pleasure! I'll start working on it now!
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