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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Crap, my mum just told me to go to bed, and she's threatening to turn off the internet forever. Night lovely! I'll talk to you tomorrow
  2. Well, this album. It's been a funny little thing. After hearing Make You Happy I was like OH CRAP. MIKA PLEASE? ARE YOU THERE? IS THAT YOU? But it's all good now. This album DOES NOT disappoint me! Yep, it's different, and it's alot different to how I imagined it, but it's fresh! Origin Of Love - 7/10 I think some of the lyrics are really cool, and it's pretty BADOOSH IN YOUR FACE, but it just lacks melody. It's good for walking along to down the street, and the choirs could be louder during the chorus BUT YAR YAR IT'S VAR FUNKY. Lola - 9/10 As soon as that piano and clapping starts at the beginning, I can't help but smile. It's just perfectly cheesy and funky. Looooooola, it roles of the tongue in a weird way that I just loooove! Stardust - 7/10 The melody is much better than some of the others but the verse's lyrics are a little plain. His voice sounds very strong on this song though, and the chorus does make you want to smile. Not much to say about this one, I need to listen to it more. Make You Happy - 7/10 The verses have a really good kinda AAAAH WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME AND LET ME LOVE YOU BACK feel... But then you build up to the chorus and you feel like screaming, and it kinda just goes a bit normal. The vocoder stuff sounds pretty funky though. Underwater - 8/10 Golly gosh this one is yummmmmy. His voice is perfect, and it just really does fit the piano well even though they bounce off each other (does that makes sense?) I do get little goosebumps when the chorus hits, and it makes you feel like sinking into water in a good way FUNKY FUNKY FUNKY. Overrated - 9/10 When I heard the snippet, I was a bit worried because it sounded sooo different But I have to say, this is probably one of the songs I've listened to the most. It's reallly... I can't find the words... nice. It's POWERFUL, THAT'S THE WORD. Powerful, and the melodies fit well together. Kids - 6/10 I'm not sure about this one yet. There's nothing that special about it, it's just a pleasant song. Probably the weakest song of the album. But the backing is quite nice. Love You When I'm Drunk - 10/10 I FOOKING LOVE THIS SONG. IT'S JUST JASPOEIJFOE. IT SOUNDS LIKE GLEE/MARIOLAND/HYPERDRUGGEDUPSONG. I've been singing it all week, and I'm addicted! I love the way he screams, 'I ONLY LOVE YOU'. Plus, it's something you don't have to take seriously. It's pretty funny. Step With Me - 9/10 This is another one I'm addicted to! Hilary's voice just fits Mika's voice really nicely on the line, 'This love's delicious like home cooked dishes'. I've been singing it everywhere! It's just such a chilled out song that makes you feel crazily passionate at the same time. I LOVE THE BIG BASS/SYTH AT THE CHORUS. And as for the little celesta at the beginning, I adore it. I am addicted to twinkly sounds, so this is lovely. Popular Song - 8/10 Mika rapping = suprisingly good. I love how cheesy and upbeat it is, that you can't help but dance along with some swag. Emily - 7/10 My best friend is called Emily, so this is just rather humorous for me.... Heroes - 8/10 This song is another one I'm not entirely sure of, because the verses and lyrics don't really do much for me, but the chorus is quite amazing. It really reminds me of an Imogen Heap song, but I can't think of which one... Help? Tah Dah - 8/10 THE CHORUS IS AWESOME AND CHEESY, but the choruses are just ... VOILA! Gosh, I hope you enjoy reading that. I'm quite vague on some and a bit over the top on others.
  3. Ooh nice! :das: They are all pretty awesome. Do you know who is directing it?

  4. It's going to be a movie? :shocked: Oh wow! I've never actually seen it. :mf_rosetinted: Don't hurt me. :mf_rosetinted:


    But my friend called India, she's obsessed with it. So it's meant to be good I guess. :naughty:

  5. It's going to be a movie? :shocked: Oh wow! I've never actually seen it. :mf_rosetinted: Don't hurt me. :mf_rosetinted:


    But my friend called India, she's obsessed with it. So it's meant to be good I guess. :naughty:

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