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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Ha! 'God help me when I sing it live' . Doesn't seem too bad compared to some of the old songs
  2. That's odd, it was uploaded onto UniversalMusic's youtube account rather than the Mikasoundsofficial one... DUN DUN DUN.
  3. I think the * is blood. With your blood on me, and my blood on you? Maybe?
  4. They just don't understand! It really does. I feel like I need some plumber hat on, and a princess disney dress and boogie the night away AND THEN GET ON THE LEATHER PANTS AND TIGER PRINT TOP AT THE CHORUS.
  5. You listened to it?

  6. Exactly, but it happens all the time, all over the place, so nothing much can be done :huh: That might help!


    Oh wow! I really like glee, this will help!



  7. For what? :huglove:


    I'm gonna be getting therapy :huh:

  8. Like when you complete the levels on mario kart and there's the trophy and stuff and it's all magical and fantasy like and BAM BAM .
  9. Yes me too! I'M SO HAPPY ABOUT IT. My dad came in, and then went back straight back out again when he saw what I was watching
  10. I really don't give a damn to be honest. I'll delete it when I need to. RIGHT NOW I'M SO HAPPY. TWO YEARS OF WAITING FINALLY. I'M SO WEAK. FKAJSOEIFJOSIEJ.
  11. I listened... Here is what happened... [YOUTUBE]C7DAtNKsTG0[/YOUTUBE] WARNING: It includes screaming, crying, and alot of just plain out unattractive faces. ENJOY. ALSO: I ****ING LOVE IT, I HAVE NO WORRIES, AND I REALLY CAN'T WAIT. JSPFOEJFPOASEJPORFIASJPCVIEOPIJASF. ALSO ALSO: Love you when I'm drunk sounds like a fooking mario on drugs song, I ADORE IT. AND POPULAR, OH MY GOSH YES YES YES OH YES.
  12. Oh it's ok not your fault!!! Don't worry Mika's probably doing so much in the future that we have no idea about Thankyou for posting it though
  13. Yeh, bumping an old one might be a good idea. Or just spread the word through twitter, and blogs. I could make a quick youtube video with the information? I'll keep tweeting when I remember. People will probably think you're a Mika newbie and often they are ignored :huh: So maybe?

  14. Why did you go to the hospital? :shocked:

  15. That's such a cool story! I wouldn't know Mika as well as I do if it wasn't for the internet Hope you have fun here!
  16. Aaaaaw yay! Thankyou so much for writing it, I LOVED IT. Probably one of the best reports I've read for a while! Especially the part about how Mika liked the way your mother smelt... BUT YOU SCRATCHED MIKA? HOW DARE YOU!!
  17. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds New song Celebrate is out on US iTunes today! Heading back on the train to London after a day of flat out promo in Paris. Tiiiirrrreeed MIKA official ‏@mikasounds My right eye seem to be doing this funny twitching thing, opening and closing super fast. V strange. Like its trying to shake off a flee. @_hollywatson hahaha @dannyrodri thank you sir
  18. Right, I agree! I started the thread yesterday, but now it has to be checked by the mods and they get the power as to whether it gets posted or not, and I don't think it has :huh:

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