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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. You mean what drugs? :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Was this friend attracted to you? :das:



  3. Oh yes I see. IT REALLY IS :mf_rosetinted: Wouldn't it be funny if Mika had tumblr, and he did nudes? :mf_rosetinted:

  4. Oh I see. INDEED IT WAS. I'M SO TIRED. I've been tired all day, even though I've had a good amount of sleep. ODD.

  5. I WANNA KNOW TOO. Not sure why. But somehow, deep inside, I WANNA KNOW!

  6. I'd cry for days if he was so sad :tears: Of course I know I'll never get anything with him :aah: So he definately should with someone else! :aah: I WANNA KNOW. When the interviewer asked what their name was, Mika said NOT YET. So maybe some day :das:

  7. Why was the water boiling in the first place? :shocked: My GIF disappeared the other day :shocked:

  8. They sound like idiots to me :huh: Keep strong!!! :huglove:

  9. Je suis odd. OH I SEE. Well why did you do it in the first place you strange creature? I might do it. I might not :mf_rosetinted:

  10. Hi :das: HE'S SEEING SOMEONE. NOOOOOO. Well actually, I'm glad. It's made him so happy so I'm really glad :wub2:

  11. Bad days have been quite frequent recently for the both of us I guess :huh::huglove:

  12. OUCH. You gargled boiling water to make it feel better, or is that what made it hurt in the first place?

  13. Of course :shocked::huglove: What's up?

  14. DA MAN STILL HAS IT. When you are there, you don't give a damn about what he's wearing, or how his hair is because you hear his music and remember that's why we loved him in the first place :wub2: I AM HERE.

  15. WAS OK! Did my maths, and it was really easy :aah:

  16. A hurty tongue?

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