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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. tumblr_m3zvrpY9tf1rvf32go1_500.gif


    I'm gonna keep bugging you now. :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Thankssss! I'M JUST BOOKING NOW. IT HASN'T SUNK IN YET. I've said I'll grab for his shirt, and maybe squeeze out some sweat for you. :naughty: I think I've heard of that name :aah: Sorry, how do you pronounce it? :teehee:


    If you like!!! Most people call me Weezey because there's already an Eli on here (flyingkites) but feel free to call me what you like! :das:

  3. Thankyou! Gotta say, I think they are both just as interesting as each other. But I'm not overly fond.
  4. Is it just me, or is it blocked now? For copyright reasons?
  5. *grabs hold of stick and throws it at you :aah:*




    It's not for definate yet, but I'M SO EXCIIIIIIIIIIIIITED! :excite::tears:


    When I found out, I was at a bus stop and I screamed quite loudly.


    P.S. What's your name? :mf_rosetinted: I've been speaking to you, but I don't know your real name :aah:

  6. Oh no. Please don't hurt me. :tears::naughty:


    Religious Studies. But right now, I don't feel nervous at all because I just found out that I can probably see Mika this year. :mf_rosetinted: *contains excitement*

  7. I wanna meet high Mika. He seems like a swell guy.


    OH! I have seen it. I just... Oh never mind :aah: It's pretty funny though that you wrote it all out :naughty: Cheers :naughty:


    Yeeeeeeeh, that happens alot to me :aah: I HAVE AN EXAM ON TUESDAY AND I'M STRESSING OUT.

  8. It's pretty snazzy here :das: Ooooooh, Lollipop is one of his best songs :naughty:


    Why? What would happen? :mf_rosetinted:

  9. I think there's a hairdressers around here called Sweeney Todd's. :aah:


    I don't know... He must be high. *rolls eyes*

  10. I think maybe it's place aswell? Like a shop named after the film? Or something.... :aah: HE'S A WEIRD GUY.

  11. Revenge!!! MWAHAHA.


    Seriously? :shocked:Oh no! :no: It sucks doesn't it? :huh: I really hope so too.

  12. He really does miss someone poor Meeks. Hopefully I can relate to at these one of these songs.
  13. Aaaaaw no! Hope you're ok :huglove: I know it's a shock! :shocked:

  14. Well done!!! My belly feels weird. I think it's the antibiotics.
  15. :shocked: Some people are so dumb these days :mf_rosetinted:


    Yeh, it's best to do it when you have alot of free time because otherwise you don't get hooked onto it, and think it's crap :naughty:


    Aaaaaaw that's cool :teehee: Well, I fell in love with Grace Kelly when I heard it on the TV when he was doing a tv show. Then my friend bought me the album, and I listened to it continously, and then forgot about him.


    A year or two later my dad told me that Mika had a new song. So I went home, fell in love with it, and now there isn't one day where I haven't thought about him. :wub2:

  16. A & T? :shocked: What's that? Are you ok? :huglove:

  17. Oh of course I know what it is :naughty: Do you have Tumblr? :mf_rosetinted:


    Mine says I'm 16, and I'm 15! :aah: I think I had the same situation, but I really can't remember :aah:


    Seriously, don't be scared about asking and talking to the mods! They are just as equal as you are and all that hubba jubba. :aah: How long have you been a Mika fan? :das:

  18. I'm just worried my dad will find out before me on the radio like he did last time
  19. (it just sent me to a website with pictures on it :aah: )


    Yyyyyeeesss! Suffffffeeeerrrr! Just wondering, but how old are you? :teehee: I'm 15 :das:

  20. Gaaaaaaaaaah... How are ya?

  21. I know! I'm so thankful I have seen him live, it was amazing :wub2: Enjoy!

  22. I'm feeling weird too. I've been ill off school today.

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