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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. :aah: It's been very very very weird.
  2. But I swear I have been constantly ill for the past week.

  3. :tears: That's so annoying! :huh:


    Yes, that sounds like a good idea :teehee: Once him and Jack Johnson were playing at the Eden Project, which is practically my favourite place in the world, and I couldn't go :tears:

  4. *sigh* Have you ever seen Mika live then? :(

  5. Aaaaaw thankyou so much! :huglove: I'm from England! How about you? :biggrin2:

  6. It is indeed! Oh yeh, feel free! :huglove:

  7. I'm good now, went to see King Charles and my life is good.

  8. After waiting 18 months for this album, 50 minutes of music doesn't seem like enough. It had better be good music.
  9. I've just been feeling REALLY bad recently. I ended up crying in tge nurses office for half an hour yesterday.

  10. Of course.. :mf_rosetinted:

    I do that all the time with my friends. We just start randomly singing, and then we start harmonising at the same time :aah: It ruins the moment. Bumface.

    *defends face violently with hand*


    :lmfao: Yes. That's why they left. Yes. Of course. Oh I'm so glad the sun is shining!


    I'm not at school today, I just really needed time to start over and refresh. Plus, I has a belly ache :tears:

  11. Somehow, I'm going all fangurly and :fangurl: over you :teehee: Yes, when we do a vlog, we shall have to sing together.


    Mair my darling, lollipop is fun to harmonise to, it's taken years of practise :mf_rosetinted:


    Since we're confessing and all that shizz, I think UR a biatch & i neva wont 2 c u agen. :mf_rosetinted:


    :teehee: Kidding wife. I love you :tears::huglove: When we were at the table having dinner, I just kept on thinking, jesus I'm too lucky to have friends like this, that GET what I'm like, and we have the same sense of humour, and we enjoy creating shapes out of little plastic stars that decorate the tables.


    Then when we were practically the ones that were dancing all evening :aah: Man girl, you can't talk to me. Who do you think you are? :shun:



  12. I just talked to Emily and she had not idea how I felt and she basically has said sorry alot and she says she's gonna make effort into being my bud again. I'm gonna give her a chance.


    :shocked: You are sooooo lovely Mair :tears: :tears: All those things you have just said seem so untrue. I feel like I'm the worst musician and singer, and I hate my face. I look at it everyday and die, and when I look at your profile picture (on facebook) I think how awesome you look and how crap I look.


    Like a god? :shocked: No way. That's just odd. I still think of other people as gods :shocked: And me especially??? No that's just weird. I'm so honoured :tears: Oh my god, when we first started talking I got really excited too. I still do :teehee: I need to see you in the holidays, and we need to give each other some loving and encouragement :huglove:


    P.S. When I say 'loving', yes I mean take me toughly in the barn.

  13. Thankyou Mair. I guess you are right. I really don't think she cares because it's uncomfortable for her to be 'nice'.


    Today at school I just broke down in maths. I've felt so crap. I just went and cried in the loo and then a teacher came and we talked and I cried. I feel so pathetic and such a waste of space Mair :tears:

  14. Sorry for rude language, it's just put me in a terrible mood, and I feel lost and I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. Sorry that was pretty long aswell. Life's just rather crap.

  15. Basically, I've had a friend called Emily since I was seven. And we've been pretty close, and recently she's just not talking to me at all. She invited me to her sleepover on Friday, but I just told her I couldn't go. I didn't tell her why because I couldn't be bothered :aah:


    And then she just replied, 'oh okay :)'.

    The next day Frankie said she couldn't go either, and Emily was like NOOOO, IF YOU DON'T GO IT WILL BE RUINED, PLEASE COME. PLEASE.


    I was just like :shocked: I just ugh. She's just a bitch these days now she's always with Frankie. So today I just didn't bother going into lunch with her, I just really couldn't do it. So I went in with India, who is alot of fun to be around.


    I didn't see Emily until we were at the bus stop, and I came and said hi, and she didn't say a word. She just carried on talking to Frankie. I was like... :shocked: Woah bitch.

  16. I never even go on it :aah: Too busy :tears:

    Well, today was pretttttty ****e. But Mika's column didn't cheer me up at all :no:

  17. Woah. It's been a while since I saw you baby :shocked: How are ya?

  18. I don't think I'll ever forget something like that.


    Aaaaaaw thanks :biggrin2:


    A big fat toe. The size of my wrist.

  19. Chicken you say? :das:




    Oh my god. You'd never guess what went in the post today.

  20. *imagines growing wings*



  21. That sounds fun :mf_rosetinted: *imagines pushing you off*




    Yo dude. Go and like my picture thanks. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150896189049892&set=a.10150896188714892.408060.87165624891&type=1&theater

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