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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. I love it when he started talking about Gang Bang, his expressions and noises he made were very interesting
  2. Just watching Happy Ending and it made me laugh so much when he sang the lyrics, 'wake up in the morning'. But it sounds like, 'wkp in the morning'
  3. Oh my god. Roxy, your report made me cry. It reminded me of what's about to come, and I'm am sooooooo incredibly happy for you. It sounded like the most perfect night KJFPASOIEJFOIEJ. JSOAIFJOEPIJF. I haven't actually watched the videos yet because I've been reading your report SO HERE I GO, AND I CAN'T WAIT
  4. Are those two girls backing singers or cotnestants dueting or?....
  5. Is there a thread any where for this photoshoot? I swear there was one, but I can't find it!
  6. Sorry I haven't been on much lately. Life has been... hectic.

  7. Just life being poop worthy. Sorry I didn't reply, I've been so busy! Saw the hunger games last night :das:

  8. Sorry, I've been looooooooooow again. JPFOAISJEF. I need Mika.


    Hmmmm... It's not that close :aah:


    David Tennant is beautiful.

  9. I was on my phone sorry :huh:

  10. I'm not gonna lie. I'm f**king jealous of the puppet. On the video it made me giggle so much when Mika went to touch the puppet, and the puppet flinched away and then reached for his crotch And then Mika went to kiss the puppet and the puppet didn't kiss back!
  11. It's annoying. I wasn't actually at that concert, I saw it on a video :naughty:


    You can just use the open long streams! And no I don't really :aah: I travelled up there to camp you silly child.


    I LOVE THE LAKE DISTRICT. I went there for a summer camp, and there was a scottish guy there called Dicky :naughty: My friend Emily had no idea what he was saying, so I was the translator!

  12. But then, at a KT Tunstall gig, some people travelled REALLY far for her, and they got a song dedicated to them!!! :naughty:


    Ew ew. That doesn't sound good.


    CAMPING. I like camping. In the lake district.

  13. And I can say, 'I love you so much I travelled to Japan for you :mf_rosetinted: But that popstars programme opened my eyes and made me realise some singers find that weird.


    LOOOOOOOOOOL. Well, I hope it doesn't hurt :biggrin2:


    Good good. baby.

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