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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. [YOUTUBE]RgnFKNyOUKI[/YOUTUBE] I've found another video! You can hear what he says abit clearer.
  2. Oooh, I really love this english version. I really hope he does a studio version of it
  3. I love all the reports and the new Elle Me Dit! I love the line 'Get your ass to number one!' Thankyou for the video too
  4. That might be possible Do you think he'd release it in English aswell along with a video? Ok... Probably not
  5. Thanks for the report Tiibet! It made me go all tingly! Sounds amazing, and Ben will get used to it soon
  6. Oh Elle Me Dit in English. Thank the lord I'm kinda glad he is gonna do it in english cos I was worried if he did do a tour in the UK, that he might not do it (cos British don't understand it ) But now there is a greater chance!
  7. I'm looking for an earlish Mika picture of him on the floor. It's just him, and he took the picture I think. I also think it's in black and white.
  8. Sorry, I'll do it now :) But I need to know your email address and such like. PM me?

  9. I would have, but you didn't say you wanted me too :aah: I think I asked but got no reply.

  10. You are welcome! And thanks for being awesome at finding pictures and info so well! :

  11. I have to say, I love rain. Something about it just makes me giggle inside
  12. Oh yes, you can get diffirent lenses that do different zooooms.

  13. WU-HOLY MOLY. My friend got a £600 one, out of the blue! :shocked: From her dad. And it has 18 megapixels! :shocked:

  14. It's £400 though!!! ARGH. I wish I had money. I've watched looooads of the video reviews of it on youtube :aah: I NEED A DSLR.

  15. Seriously? :drool: I want it sooooo bad.

  16. Aw :( I want a Nikon D3100 sooooo badly so am gonna save up like mad :aah:

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