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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. Ah yes, I've seen this I love the close-ups And when he was about to do the 'shrieking' but noooo. Too difficult
  2. That HAS to be the luckiest microphone in the world at the moment.
  3. I was just watching it and my dad was sitting next to me. Mika said that, and my dad said 'DID MIKA JUST SWEAR? '
  4. Haven't been on MFC much recently, but just found out about your operation. I hope it went very well, and you have a speedy recovery! :huglove:

  5. AAAAh yes That's what I meant Oh yeh, I heard about that! I might research into it actually.
  6. It's funny because I always thought that Viva La Vida sounded like Rain P Zombie Mix. Viva la Vida is my favourite song, so it was a coincedence And now there's this one!!! Oooh lala!
  7. Mika stripping is always pretty . I just realised that his trousers have six buttons at the front. Me love.
  8. Love it It has a great 'feel good' feel to it for me! But the recorded video will be ALOT better. Hopefully.
  9. I can't reply to your previous message as your inbox is apparently full :teehee:

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