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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Moreover, I suppose it is time for a new video with Dita, as he promised. I hope this interview is to prepare the world
  2. I mean, you didn't need to be Sherlock to figure it out. For everybody who listened to my lyrics it should have been clear anyway. He said Sherlock, not Holmes and not Sherlock Holmes I'm fangurling all the evening!!!
  3. I'm contradicting myself probably more than every other person on the world. But I think that persons without contradictions are totally boring. Because they are never changing and could therefore just die as well from the start. Oh good God, that is the essence of what we have been discussing lately at MFC! And how brilliantly it is said!
  4. Да ничего подробного, просто он когда в нескольких интервью перечислял виды любви, то говорил что "даже про любовь робота" (или к роботу - вот не обратила внимания).
  5. Надеюсь он не будет в 30 лет ходить по городу в костюме космонавта Но когда Мика сказал, что MYH это про робота, я просто прифигела.
  6. А мой сын заявил, что хочет быть космонавтом А на следующий день - что роботом. Угадайте, кого я сразу вспомнила?
  7. Да, победитель. Но он еще на годовщине МФК в январе играл. Мики там не было, правда
  8. I paid attention to this as well, but I don't think it just gone... he has a strong will and can command himself
  9. That's why I'm at MFC all day long sacrificing my work - I'm a crazy fool and I need to medicate myself
  10. He can't live without adrenaline and his dangerous fans!
  11. And not only curlz, he looks stunning, these clothes make him so gorgeous!, and I admire this Dead parrot thing!
  12. oh boy. Dunny d X NY dFunny but odd oh boy c Fy X cy Xfunny feeling
  13. Ha-ha, and I still have those Funny but Odd tweets saved as a Web-page
  14. ...no, if he ever reads our conversations here, he is most likely to get paranoia
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