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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. How it is possible to record a vid from such sites? Is there any special software?
  2. Creative. Generous. Dangerous. I like this part most of all. Feels like we rule the world And Mischievous is my fave word since his winter tweet
  3. Here it is. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00zjbk3 But I can't watch it
  4. Thank you Marina!!! Very interesting - he lived next to her, and was woke up by the fall?? Hm... it is one more version into the collection....
  5. Ohhh thank you for the vid! So, we definitely should believe Mika, even if he wears read trousers And now we know which tea cups don't turn him on!
  6. Cool, its something new! No-one was drawing fans before! So great!
  7. Yes! It is his choice what to tell and what to hide. He is quite talkative lately, maybe even too much, and usually people can't keep in themselves the things that make them happy. If I want to scream to the whole world how I love Mika, I can imagine how hard for him to restrain himself, and not to reveal too much of info. So, maybe, one time he is too relaxed and tells s lot, and another time he just wants to make a step back.
  8. Anyway, no matter if it's all true, of half-true, it is a very beautiful interview. Mika talks sincerely, powerfully and beautifully. And who knows - in spite of all the discrepancies, maybe he believes in things he says at the moment and it is just different perspectives of the same situations. I enjoyed reading this interview. I think for him, it's a record with a happy ending - well, for both of us - it is so lovely And I like this part: " It's how I've always been programmed. It's my brain. It's part of who I am. I don't really know how to answer that. I'm like, "Well, what's it like for you to have brown hair?" and but I guess if you want to understand me as a real person - as a person with facets and different angles - then it is important. - of course I want to understand him as a person! The more I understand and know him (those bits that he allows us to know) - the more I'm devoted o him
  9. It is very strange song. On the one hand - you'd never say, that the author of this one and, e.g. Celebrate, is the same person. But on the other hand - it is absolutely Mikaish for me. Only deep and wise person could write such a masterpiece
  10. http://www.off.tv/video/off-studio-mika-underwater/#!/off-studio-mika-underwater OFF STUDIO - Mika « Underwater »
  11. I can't stop listening to this song and admiring it more and more. And I don't even know French (or, maybe, it's because I don't know French ) I believe I enjoy it no less than Mika enjoyed listening to Barbara. End even if it's clear that it won't be a huge hit, I leave it as my secret pleasure, as a treasure that is not appreciated to a full extend. I sit alone with this song leaving all the world behind me.
  12. И уже точно не Лубутенские! Хотя дизайн верха в том же стиле. А подошвы - даааа, он, наверное, класно амортизируют И вообще, только поговорили про куртки! Он очень органично вписался в обстановку клуба
  13. Есть легенда (абсолютно официальная), что из-за ocd он покупает всего по 3. Он и про продукты лично говорил, что по 3 пачки покупает. НО, в то же время, он писал в твиттере, что купил 3 красные стиральные машины. Мы долго прикалывались. Ни за что не поверю, что это правда! Впрочем, как и про пиджаки.
  14. Ты не видела мой пост в той ветке! Это не стринги, а девайс для наушника. Я помню как девченки это сделали, еще говорила им чтоб не постили где попало, а то на Мику станут что угодно думать...так и вышло. А про пиджак я не выдержала соблазна и написала ему в Твиттере что Не верю! Просто поржать я и вправду не верю!
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