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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Ну как это не дали! Конечно слушала, о чем речь? Благодаря этому сегодня такой счастливый день! Мне некогда покушать - я так завязла в разных сетях обсуждая новые песни!
  2. I've listened to it for many times already, and can't say which one I like more. Both have it's inner beauty Can't wait to hear it in the album!!!!
  3. Brian May, Brian May! *screaming like in Invisible Man*

  4. It is so pleasant... but I need to listen to it more, I still can't catch the idea.
  5. Oh, what a nice morning! Two new songs Thank you for recording and uploading! I feel so strange, like smiling and crying
  6. Can you imagine - you are walking patiently through the park, and suddenly see a crawling Mika
  7. Exactly, Christine! finally I agree with you 100% Moreover, the less we know, the better we sleep (there is a saying).
  8. Mika knew that we're starting the new thread so many tweets after a break!
  9. My favourite ever! I remember the day when I watched it. I wanted to jump and scream to the whole world how great Mika is
  10. А вот я тоже обнималась, но была в неадеквате и ничего не помню! А потом уже после концертов оба раза от него незаметно пахло просто свежестью, может гелем для душа, но явно не парфюмом. Наташа, а ты покупать альбом не спешишь, да? Я вот не грешу покупками, а грешу пиратством, поэтому и не знаю, где у нас в Киеве можно такое купить. Вообще есть шанс, что у нас будут продавать нормальный оригинальный альбом с ароматными буклетиками? Или придется девочек тормошить чтоб прислали?
  11. :shocked: Why I haven't seen it before? Where it is from?
  12. Yes, it's so uneasy... I must admit I'm in better position. But my husband becomes tired of Mika, so I'm afraid what will I do if he will be fed up... I try not to show him my interest to Mika as erlier, i try to hide more in order not to arise his discontent.

  13. Moreover, it bothers me when some girls say: what? you have to be independent and respect yourself! How can someone allow you or not allow you to do something?


    These girls really don't understand????

  14. Of course I know... I always was wondering how on Earth people manage to attend so many gigs with their families at home??? I'm so envious, my husband is tolerant to me, but even he won't let me go to the gigs I want :((

    And yes, I never thought that Spain is so huge! I thought that it's Ukraine is so big, that to cross it you'll need 2 days of driving... but Spain turned out to be the same o_O

  15. Да-да! Я тоже присоединяюсь к поздравлениям! Маша, будь оптимистом - это самое важное!
  16. Yes, I was so upset - as soon I left Spain there is a vid that can be seen only in Spain...

    And there is so cold in Kiev - I even got ill.

    I want to be baaack!!!!


    Btw I saw the vid that you posted to me, he speaks better that earlier, right?

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