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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Are you kidding? Tragedy? For me? Do you remember? Watson: Mm. Oh, right. Do you have a…boyfriend? Which is fine, by the way. Sherlock: I know it’s fine. I'm totally happy with it, if you read my previous posts. This is the best variant for me (i'm being egoistic, I know). I said to you that it will happen some day a year ago. And I have absolutely other reasons for my question. It is not for me, actually. Some friends asked me if it ir a reliable mag, and I had no idea.
  2. Ha! I know But you have better search skills than any Google!!! Where do you take time for it?
  3. You know, after chopping wood at midnight I doubt everything! :naughty: No, I´m just interesting if it´s not a tabloid... I´m interesting how this journalist kitchen works. i don´t doubt the whole idea, I´m just wondering if they used to print exact words.
  4. Dear Eriko, do you ever sleep? You are the first to find every bit related to Mika! Thank you!
  5. А я собираюсь стреляться. Такая фигня вылезла. После 3-месячного Шенгена еще 3 месяца визы не дают. От. А я ж уже мужа уговорила! Мы уже планы строили! Я была такая счастливая! А тут палкой по голове... как раз эти три месяца истекают сразу после окончания концертов. Все плохо-плохо-плохо.
  6. Guys, tell me please: is this magazine a reliable and respectable? I wonder why he had chosen exactly this magazine? And I wonder can it be that his words are changed in some way, or journalist should give the interview for checking by Mika's agency?
  7. I want to add do my yesterday´s post, that it´s because I love him to much and care I support him in his uneasy decision (even if he won´t ever know). He was hiding his private live for 5 years, hesitated, so it was an important step for him. That´s why I think we are here to be on his side instead of criticizing him, now he is exposed to criticism from haters, and may be vulnerable, even if he looks so strong. He made his choice and he is happy. It made him create the songs that make me cry with happiness - what more should I wish? Ah, btw, I agree that he looks much more manly lately. He looks grown up (well, almost ) and responsible for himself and for his man, making mature decisions, but staying the same charming Mika with irresistible boyish smile (sorry, I´m a bit offtop) - that´s why I believe things are for better. Maybe he doesn´t care for now, but I´d wish him to know that his loyal fans love him and support, just like before.
  8. So, I loved the bit of mystery and uncertainity which entertained MFC all these years, but now I feel some kind of relief. I'm glad it turned out like this, and I'm proud that Mika decided that clearing the things up will made his life better. If he is happy now, I'm happy too I love him so much and glad that he is stronger now, and not lonely. He deserves to feel freedom.
  9. Нда... у него лицо просто каменное все время, как будто спрятался в панцирь, глаза отводит. Бедный. Боюсь закончатся скоро наши золотые дни. Будет везде толпа и увиливающий Мика.
  10. Let´s ask Mika on Twitter Just to have fun "Summer I HOPE" is s bit forgotten...
  11. Вот ты молодец! A я вчера купила на iTunes Celebrate! Впервые в жизни! С Украины нельзя было, а тут получилось Теперь наслаждаюсь непиратщиной
  12. I liked my iPod touch (like iPhone without a phone), but I have a lot of problems with working with the programs I used to. And manipulation! I have to learn all the manipulation with fingers from the start. There is no left and right button, only touchpad. I forget that it´s not Windows all the time, do wrong moves and there is a total mess...
  13. Ukrainian iTunes appeared only a week or two ago, and it is so odd I don't like Mac OS at all, we bought a macbook these days and now I completely can't understand how Mika can be so addicted to Apple!
  14. Mika gets thinner, and Benedict bigger I love balance
  15. Damn, I so hope that he will manage to grow his curlz and to get thin until the 3 season! I love when he looks boyish
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