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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Aww, totally forgot! Of course three! And he has an own red washing machine for each Say wooot? Sloppy? as for me, it is so thin that one can almost see his body... it looks strangely, errr, hot, as people used to say
  2. Can't wait! Is he wearing the same t-shirt all the time? Like in Celebrate shooting and in that hot promo pic?
  3. In Spain, with an awful hotel internet. That's why managing to watch every vid is a treasure for me!
  4. After those vids I feel like a honeymooner again! I misses this smashing feeling so much Funny that most of the lyrics words can be addressed to him... we know all these feelings so well...
  5. О, я ж говорила, что везде матрешки Честно говоря, я не удивилась, когда увидела как он там лежит Или от него можно всего ожидать, или привыкла к эпатажности звезд
  6. Oh Christine, thank you for the transcript! I still can't manage to listen to it from here, so I will read firstly.
  7. I feel like riding the Time machine!! He does it again! And looks the same happy as in 28 Vlog - New Music Feels like good old times are back Bass reminded me of Another one Bites the Dust of Queen, btw... it doesn't sound alike, but anyway.
  8. Thank you for the report, Alba!!! I can imagine what it means to you, because I had only 2 gigs in my life. It's really surprise! He is even more a genius that I thought
  9. Yep, it was me. So, do you still not like it??? I thought you liked it finally! So pity....
  10. ...с балалайками И везде матрешки, матрешки!
  11. This link was posted in another thread, but in case someone missed it... Because he is the GOD here!!!!!!!! and unshaven [YOUTUBE]JJQvxOS1nNA[/YOUTUBE]
  12. You know, I'm starting to use to Lola. Right now watching the French vid of Lola, and perceive it much better. So you have all the chances with TOOL!
  13. Who knows, who knows! I will check my sanity when the album is out I really hope to like it... But if no - in the album there is always Underwater to save me
  14. I felt the same about MYH and especially Celebrate. Now I kinda like MYH and can tolerate Celebration... But IO don't like Lola at all. So, for every MFCer there is an own special song. I was worried too, hearing the total fargurling when first 2 songs appeared. But now I have TOOL for myself, and I'm happy and satisfied! So, my advice: don't listen to it, forget about it, just don't care. Maybe when you hear the album version the situation will be absolutely different And ask Rosita, she moaned that she felt nothing about Underwater after the Seoul gig. Ask her how she coped with it
  15. Does it this machismo? Definition of MACHISMO 1 : a strong sense of masculine pride : an exaggerated masculinity Anyway, it doesn't sound like Latin word, especially the ending -o.
  16. I keep being addicted to this song! I still feel happiness, because now I start to believe in the new album, I start to believe that I will like it (with such songs as UW and TOOL in it!) Btw, I clearly know by now which part of Tool exactly reminds me of wich lines of UW.
  17. Which curlz? Where do you see curlz? I haven't seen them from the evening with the mysterious lady in January! So let it be, this hat thingie, it has got nothing to hide You're so happy! Best fan ever I wish I could feel like you! I'm afraid I find it boooring.. I even started to like Celebrate more after listening to Lola... hope the album version will be more interesting
  18. Such a pleasure to see this jacket again! He wore it in 2010 my fav year!
  19. Боже какая ты счастливая! Как там Лола?
  20. So, I'm lucky to have a poor english (hearing). I really haven't heard words, I didn't even tried to understand them - I was just carried away by the melody and emotions, by some special feeling about some special notes.
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