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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Oh, I think I can say the same about Kiev.

    I was even in Basilica of Sagrada Familia ;)

  2. I can agree. I thought about UW as well. Maybe not only because of the song structure and melody, but also because of feelings that it arises.
  3. So interesting to watch such different reactions. Why everybody were so happy about Celebrate, and I felt only bored? And now - why people who praised Celebrate don't like Origin of Love?
  4. Barcelona was great!! Have you visited Casa Batllo?

  5. It's - no, he is so beautiful! Thank you! I'm happy that I like new song! I was afraid to be bored for the 3 time, but no! I love it! I feel all those things that I missed so much in his new songs!

    I'm in Valencia now, and recently spent 4 days in Barcelona.

  6. Girls, I'm so happy! I totally like it! After my sad experience with previous two, esp. being so bored with Celebrate, I was prepared to dislike this one too... well, in the other words, I was afraid to listen to it in order not to be frustrated again. But no! It caught me instantly, and I felt such a FREEDOM!!! I' utterly happy to feel what I missed Thanks God and thanks Mika Now I'm not so apprehensive in a bad way about the TOOL. I can't wait! I'm the happiest person in the world
  7. Mika looks so funny... I mean - this hat becomes funny with his straight short hair. I always loved his hats, but dear God - not with such a hairdo! And not with these rolled-up pants and big t-shirt :-\
  8. Thank you so much!

    Please tell me if something goes wrong, or if I should redo something!

  9. HI! I have problems with cookery cards. I can do them in picture formats (like jpg, png or others), but I never worked with pdf. Can you help me, or convert to pdf?

    I don't even have a program, and we are far from home with my husband's PC, so I can't feel free working on it (he works and has no time to let me make docs, so I understand that my cards are not masterpieces ;(((.

    I have them in Internet, here there are in (4000×3000) or I can send you files?




  10. Such beautiful and golden words! If only I was at laptop now, I would post some fanarts that make me cry with awe every time... Johnlock? I prefer Morlock
  11. Haha, download the english one because he's voice is to die for Indeed I not only rewind. The good idea is to watch with english subtitles, or at least with the subtitles on native language, but with english audio.
  12. Recently I was in the Grasse in perfume museum. There were some machines, where you can press and feel different smells. There were smells even of cocaine, mushrooms and marijuana. After smelling like several dozens of smells I had severe hallucinations for several days, that bothered me so much. So smelling can be dangerous
  13. Oh no, in Russian! Comparing to some other languages it is very good, but I watched in Russian every first time of episode, and all the next times I watch episodes in English, because of his voice Hi! Welcome! Actually I don't think I ever gonna watch Elementary at all...
  14. @Наташа Хорошо сказано - звучать как дохлое!
  15. Вот я о том же. Чем дальше, тем несерьезнее. У нас есть радио DJ FM, там музыка такого типа, я его не выношу. Такая однообразная... и к сожалению Celebrate я бы там не отличила. Даешь пианинку! и побольше, а главное - на концертах!!!!! чтоб не один несчастный синтезаторишко :sneaky2:
  16. О, вот это сюрприз! Ты все таки здесь бываешь!
  17. Yes, I saw the rules, but I don't know how to measure it in cm :( And in which format should it be? Is jpg or png OK?

  18. Dear Rose, tell me please how big should be the card in pixels. I'm making it in Paint.net programm, and don't know how to make it in cm. Should it be approximately 4000×3000 or smaller?

  19. No. I haven't heard. I know little about bullfighting, only that this exists. Madonna had a vid about a bullfighter like 15 years ago.

  20. Really! It is because the shift in the calendar. We have Xmas 2 weeks after yours, so today's holiday must be of the same origin.

  21. Really! It is because the shift in the calendar. We have Xmas 2 weeks after yours, so today's holiday must be of the same origin.

  22. We don't have such a celebration in Ukraine! But we have 7 July the fiesta of St. Ioann, people jump at midnight over the fire and trow coronas de flowers to the river.

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