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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Really! A lot of drums and happy sounds! I thought it's because football ;)))

    Has Spain won? I've heard Gooool! a lots.

    There are a lot of families at the seaside sitting at tables , eating, with children.

  2. Спасибо, Юля! Огромная работа, от так иногда говорит здесь, что уши сломать можно.
  3. I bumped into this thread just to ask the same! I thought I missed something, but no - still no English version We should poke him on fb or Twitter.
  4. Вот и я ничего не поняла. У меня и фотошопа нету, только его подобие Paint.Net...

  5. Лена, ты понимаешь что то на счет рецептов? Ты будешь делать? Я не понимаю что надо и какого размера. Я же не в см делаю, а в пикселях!

  6. OMG I so wanted to listen to the language that I could understand! Even when I tried to speak Spanish people responded me in catalan and I'm like WTF o-O

  7. OMG I so wanted to listen to the language that I could understand! Even when I tried to speak Spanish people responded me in catalan and I'm like WTF o-O

  8. Oh, you were in Altea? Cool!

    I saw this name of Mika's gig, why oh why it is not this Summer?

    Are there many places in Spain eith their own language? I started to wonder if there are places with a proper Spanish :naughty:

  9. Hi! Everything is great! We are living in apartment near Altea, right near the sea. It is so wonderful! And there is zero meredian. We are right under London :)

    Alba, is Spanish of Valencia differs too? Is it different from Catalan?

  10. I was so freaked out to see ciutat instead of ciudad :laugh: I totally forgot that there is not a usual Spanish :))) I can't wait to come back and see all those Gaudi masterpieces.

  11. Of course! But we had too little time, only one evening. Though, we are going to go there in several weeks, for several days - to see more.

  12. А я сегодня утром была в одной стране с Микой!!! (( АААА пойду поплачу. А еще, а еще!!! Мы проезжали Милан пару дней назад, и я снимала все на камеру. И когда в голове закрутились фразы из Videodiario я почувствовала себя Микой Чем бы дитя не тешилось, ага....
  13. Thank you, dear :)


    Today we arrived to Barcelona! Tomorrow will drive to the coast, some village not far from Valencia.

    Is your language a bit like French? It reminded me Spanish combined a bit with French sounding.

  14. Спасибо Юля!


  15. . Totally agree with you. At first I kinda liked the vid, but then I realized that without the video it sounds much deeper. I wish I heard this song without the visuals! I feel that I would appreciate it much more
  16. No Mika again... But ha! Obviously, he promotes himself via Internet again. A wise move! Lurve our Internet freak
  17. Btw is this vid official? Mika tweeted about vid, so maybe there is going o be another one, with Mika in it? This video is interesting, but i'd be much happier to see Mika's face. Da Man is too modest!
  18. :shocked: It's... it's... It's so unusual, strange, and not mikaish at all. If I heard this song somewhere on the radio, I wouldn't recognize him, I'm afraid! To gather my feelings I should wait several days and listen more times. Anyway, great present for my future b-day..
  19. Thank you so mu h Eriko!!! Finally the real version! It is so sad that Madonna spoiled such a good song. The idea of this song was musically brilliant, with the proper mixing it would be great. And the saddest is that they won't have a right to use it in future anymore.
  20. I'm kinda sad now.... I have such an incredible and beautiful journey, and it is not a fact that I would be able to go to Moscow... but anyway it spoils my mood.

    Moreover, if he go to Kiev after Moscow (in this summer), I will die!

  21. No, I can't. I will be in Spain at that time. I wonder if he will be in Spain this summer. Will you inform me if you know something?

  22. Hello! Thanks for the nice :das: pic ;)

  23. Oh, so nice to see a new pic from the old curly days! I wonder if he still has this watch.
  24. You espero que el podria anunciar una fecha in Espana (ace centro de Agsato), todavia tenemos tiempo. Porque si anunciara conciertos in otono- invierno, no creo que Ukraina sera en esta lista).

    Y tu? Que boy a hacer en verano?

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