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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Yes, Nena, I adore to listen to the books read by Benedict! It was a great idea to post there this link!
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch is in USA these days, presenting Sherlock.
  3. Don't know why, this article made me so sad, and at the same time nostalgic, thinking about my own teenage years, and where I am now. About friends. Thank you, Mika, for making me stop for a while and think. Almost every of his articles makes me think about my own life and values, but this one is even more powerful (as for me).
  4. It's always people like "meh" and then become crazy fans
  5. Ohh the most adequate place with fresh news and old interesting things is this http://sherlock-series.livejournal.com/ but I don't know if you need to register, hope there is no need in keeping your blog there
  6. My guilt is that Sherlock is stealing my MFC time for more than a month, so I even glad Mika hadn't came with something new. Oh, God, I've just said something like that! Anyway, I found a good blog with gifs and pics. Here: http://sherlock.soup.io I still haven't been to any English speaking Sherlock forum, because the Russian analogue of Facebook provides me with everything I need. So I can't recommend you anything (for the time being).
  7. You've said it so beautifully!!! Yes, there are many layers, and it is impossible to discover everything by yourself. I read different Sherlock groups in social sites, and my eyes are gradually opening. These are so many subtleties that I'm in awe! I already watched every part many times, but still discover something new, and not only facts or quotes, but the look, flickering in the eyes, a slight frowning - and the picture changes in the mind, and things become clear and bright in their geniality.
  8. Oh, so great to see you here sweety! At first I watched with translation, but now I understand that translation kills the half of the impression. So, we decided to watch with Russian subtitles for my daughter to understand - and it is the best way. I watched many other films with Cumberbatch, and must say, that as soon as he opens his mouth, the film becomes more powerful (dunno how to express), gets one layer higher - even it's just a TV series.
  9. Carla, if there is a possibility, watch somewhere in original. Because nothing compares to Cumberbatch's voice, without hearing him the film looses half of its spell. You are lucky too Everything is ahead for you
  10. I will miss Moriarty too, he was an amazing negative side to Sherlock. It's beyond my imagination - what exactly they have to create in order not to allow people moan that Jim was better. It's a great thing that almost every character here has his big group of fans - Mycroft, Lestrade, let alone John and Moriarty. It means that the whole idea, the series in the whole are stunning, end every little detail has its sense.
  11. For the first time? Lucky you, Carla!!! I want the first time again These two are my favourite as well! Both make me cry the more I watch them. And yes, it's funny - I missed waiting for the 2 Mika's album and for the 2 season of Sherlock. But now I suffered waiting for the Mika's 3 album to the full extend. And the same waits for me considering the 3 season
  12. Hi! Nice to see you here! Sit cosily, this is a nice chair
  13. OMG!!! So welcome here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26769 I never though I can be interested in another man but Mika. But Benedict crushed all my cosy world
  14. Now I'm giggling every time I see Anonimous. It's after reading Watson's blog, where Moriarty commented the posts as Anonimous And he posted something at http://www.thescienceofdeduction.co.uk/ as well.
  15. There is a poll of The most influential people \http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2107952_2107959_2107960,00.html Benedict is on the 5 place currently, and the poll closes 17.01 Funny, but the position right before him is "Anonimous", I bet it is Moriarty
  16. The words fail me... I can't describe how much I RESPECT this man. Everything is so ideal - his thoughts (the whole philosophy), his writing style, vocabulary, everything! Well, now I have to re-read it in order to gather my emotions and thoughts.
  17. If not even talking about Mika, I sincerely like this album. It seems to me that I hear something like Mika on some songs, but even if it is not him, I enjoy the whole album very much.
  18. In 2.3 she will have a not big, but very influential part
  19. Of course, classical training. I wonder if he ever tried composing something like that.
  20. :thumb_yello: Sincerely, I'm really interested in his opinion. Just because I'm interested
  21. Aha, that's the deal. No chances. He ignores twitter messages until it is something handy for him
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