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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. It's such a yummy idea! What would you do if you became Mika for just one hour? Or even for 10 minutes? Where looking at the mirror? Singing? Playing piano? Took a lot of pics? What?
  2. It's amazing - one my post caused so many pages at NC! Nothing special! in fact, so many things that it's hard to recollect them all To add to girls' posts about curls, stealing clothes and naked vlog, I can remember chatting about: - where he keeps his old clothes (he can donate a bit to the fans from untoured countries) - Something about hardly working and lurking here and there... - hugging him all together - being Mika for an hour See? In fact, nothing special!
  3. Hi! I've beem very very naughty on twitter... while Mika's twitting mood. And it makes things even worse - what if he read it? :shocked: Well - I'm not always that naughty! I won't tell who's to blame, though Poor Mika was working, and we were distracting him with our mischievous tweets
  4. Why I never paid enough attention to this pic???
  5. Sorry for the lame question - is it material way, or a tab?
  6. So - he is FINISHING writing, that's not Mikasoon!!! It will be really soon! OMM I missed his column so much!!!! I haven't even hoped to see it again... Can't wait!!!
  7. Well.. the only answer - "He's Mika!" (the next my favourite frase after :"You never know with Mika" )
  8. I don't mind him talking about bullying. According to teenagers' opinions, it hugely helps them, and I appreciate it (actually, when my daughter was moaning about her school I told her about Mika's school years). And I want to believe that I really know about him something. And I really don't want to know something about his personal life. All I want is that everything went on as it was previously.
  9. I think it is just how he feels - what he counts as a harmless info, or benefiting, or whatever else; and what he feels (in inner level) as not allowed to be revealed. He has his borderline, as every human. Some people has a big untouchable space, some people are more close to others. He easily hugs fans while taking pics, the same way he allows people to touch his memories. But the most personal level is defended, the same as he didn't allowed a girl to kiss him (exactly at the time of interview). Maybe he was especially vulnerable at that time.
  10. It's because it impressed me so much at that time. It even made me name the current Gasmic thread "He is not what we think he is". It felt so sad that we know about him only the things that he himself allows us to know. But yes, it took quite a time to find it, because initially I searched for Brasil.
  11. I dunno what it was, but it's funny how he said in Nov2010 that people know about him personally nothing Wait, maybe it is it? He said that at 0.45
  12. Hm, sometimes the real explanation can be that simple But maybe not
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