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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. You have a great future! I hope so, at least 5 years have gone by as a moment. Time is too relative thing. I'm still living in tour-2010 (it seems to me more close that this year's summer gigs).
  2. @Camille thank you! But "soon" sounded more encouraging than "few months". "Soon" can be even "in few weeks", but several months is so long Edit: Is there in this forum any body language specialists? Why he holds so tight his legs?
  3. That's so cool! Guys are so friendly and inventive! We're AU
  4. Sadly, I don't have it in digital file It's far at my mum's home.
  5. Sometimes I wonder if Mika cares that every day around the world hundreds of people scrutinize his pics, make photophops, drool and so on.
  6. http://fitperez.com/2012-01-31-mika-offers-expense-paid-trip-to-a-concert-for-charity#.Typad8WOCa8 Finally people start using new images. Because many site still post 2007-pics with the news.
  7. Hoy hemos tenido -27, pero mi hijo he ido a jardín de infancia. Odio tante tiempo, tenemos que vestir mucho ropa :(

  8. Have you seen our discussion in NRJ thread? From now on I will look at your avatar and think about my grandfather
  9. Such a cute, and the puppies are so hugable I always loved the unpredictable way of our discussions
  10. Hm, I think I know what you mean. Oops, I wanted to joke : "Just look at my avatar", I'm not so vain! But thanks
  11. It's not even Back to 70s Errr.. yes, but not curly That's why I'm so beautiful
  12. Actually, he looks like my grandfather in his youth The same hairdo
  13. Hola! Todo es bien. Gracias, cara! No nievado mucho, pero es muy frio ahora - hoy tenemos mas que -20. Pero este tiempo tenemos cada invierno por 1-2 semanas. Por tanto este es no extraordinario. Y que temperatura tienes tu?

  14. I'm forced to agree with you. This song is a bit clumsy and ill at ease to me, But if it will be slightly redone, it could be a good song.
  15. samybertoni LGS With @MIKA #NMA2012 pic.twitter.com/vA7714dm 30 Jan
  16. The worst thing was that time limit - no less than once in 24h. Could they do once in a peculiar date? I had to wait till 23.00, than to 0.00, then to 1AM and so on...
  17. What a picture. Luckily he didn't have a drink at the time of announcing the winner, otherwise we would risk to loose him
  18. I my country he is "The one who sings Relax". But, luckily, people know at least what Relax is.
  19. Exactly. There is a trend to write negative things, if the writer knows nothing about Mika. It's such a fashion for them But well. Mika will show them all.
  20. Thank you for posting! Loubis match very well with the thingie he wears
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