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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Dear Paloma, Merry Christmas to you and your family, especially to your mother! I wish you peace and happiness.
  2. Haha it's a nice story! :lmao: I appreciate that people like my vid :) I saved it when it appeared in 2009 and had no idea that it exists no longer, until I wanted to post it for my friends :) There is also an interview, look at my channel.


    Merry Golden Christmas to you!!! Have a lot of fun !



  3. Feliz Navidad cara Alba! Que todo sera bien!



  4. Not exactly. I was on linguistic faculty, and we had to study a lot of things like philosophy, psychology, Latin, literature (from the ancient times to contemporary) and many other.
  5. Really? That rocks!!! I was the only one in my Uni group who had "excellent" for philosophy But you are cooler!
  6. My daughter reads paper books (but has e-book as well)
  7. She hates most of teachers (they are boring) and is tired of girls (they cheat her as old-fashioned and too childish).
  8. She hates school already But I love that she reads a lot, constructs programmed robots at Lego lessons, and doesn't listen to a cheap music In several years she will end up at MFC
  9. My daughter's classmates said that she is a nerd. And that they will come to her home, throw away all the books, crash the computer, and bring the telly instead. Honestly, I consider it as a compliment In fact, I'm afraid that she becomes an outcast more and more...but I have a perfect example before my eyes, so we know what to do
  10. Oh, Godness, Riga!!!! And I saw this gorgeous creature touching his neck with my own eyes and from the same angle!
  11. But it depends on the way the world ends. Is there will be a deluge, we will be able to breath Underwater while listening
  12. You know guys, I looked through the thread, and can state: No other man touched my heart. No matter how cute or handsome a man is, he is NOT Mika (indeed )
  13. The news about Mika's future third album are spreading through the internet, which is good for promotion. All about Mika's third album
  14. No puedo hablar de eso tambien! Gente, hasta Mikafans, no comprende mi sentinientos. No quiero saber que el es enamorado! You pensaba que el trabaja demasiado diligente y tiene no tiempo.

    Puede ser, que despues de nuevo album you boy a sentir mejor. Pero ahora todo que necesio es quejarse :tears:

    Grasias, cara Alba! :huglove: You siento a poco mejor, porque no soy sola.

    Buenos Noches!

  15. Estoy triste tambien por el blog. Todos son allegres, pero you soy celoso, sabes por que.

    El estaba sincero, amistoso, el blog es muy grande. Pero esto es no necesario a escribir sobre amor so demostrativamente. El sabe que muchos de nosotros estan aqui no solo por la musica.

  16. Claro! Mi favorito!!!

    Ahora tiene no tiempo frio, solo pocas minutas por la noche. Pero voy a regresar en siguiente semana. Yo espero...

    Yo tengo no humor a festejar Navidad. Todavia tenemos no nieve, llueve, todo es gris.

    Parece que Mika esta mas lejo que siempre. Y mas ajeno y extrano.

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