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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. [YOUTUBE]PllMGwy4KSU&feature=player_embedded#![/YOUTUBE] Seems like not only MFCers know this song
  2. Really? I never was interested in him, actually, so I had no idea about what you've told. He deserves to be respected, then.
  3. Brrrrrrrrrr... I remember several years ago this guy was in accident and there leaked an info that he died. So, in YT comments appeared a lot of RIPs for our Mika It was awful And it's just today a guy from India asked me what music I listen. Of course I told him "MIKA!", totally forgetting about this Singh Guess what I've read in answer?
  4. I will try :) I try to draw him to feel closer, but it makes things easier only several hours, and then again.... he is so unreachable! And so handsome :aah:

  5. Don't know how I was able to miss this masterpiece? It is so very beautiful!
  6. You are right. I always was wondering about all the heap of hateful comments in YT. If you don't like an artist - just skip this video, but don't post comments in the dozens of videos of that singer, right? It's not only about Mika. If you take almost any singer, you fill find a lot of dirty comments, even about Queen and Freddie is the same
  7. Hehe, yes, the collar is slightly overrated Actually I had in mind this
  8. More make up please! More make up please! Yes, I love fancy dress too sometimes, but my favourite is this!
  9. Hi Wonka, it's me lurking here. Wanted to look at your siggie.

  10. I thought you are talking about the left one maybe you can predict future. I mean, no-one knows where the Death March can lead him
  11. If you don't care, Mika does. Why be irritated? It's Mika. Mika makes the world go round. AND: All you need is Mika
  12. :roftl: Me too, Mika is the first kinda curly guy that I liked Anyway, I prefer him like on that pic, that like on this
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