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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Wow, THAT was an experience for the girls!!!! Luckily, I had no dilemma. I had 2 gigs in 2 days, I dreamt to use one of them for LG. I was afraid that I won't fit to LG because I'm quite tall, and I'm not chubby to be a BG And I hope Mika's mom wasn't offended because we refused to be at stage the next day. She was so amazing, and hard-working, that I feel a bit uneasy till now. And - When I was preparing to my cancelled gig this year, I strongly decided to fight for the 1 row Because I wanted to feel that drive and rage of a gig.
  2. What an amazing pic!!! I start to miss this aristocratic costume.
  3. I told everyone in the queue that I want to be a LG, and when Mika's mother went to pick up people (we already took our places in the 1 row), everyone shown at me (because no-one wanted to be on stage, girls preferred to watch the gig). So she looked at me and agreed. I was with husband, and she pointed at him and said: You go too. After the gig she asked if we can go to the stage the next day again (in Riga), but we apologised and said that we want to see the gig itself.
  4. Oh Angi, these songs are the saddest... I was never able to listen to them without pain, and combining them with the today's date...it's 20 years already - I can't believe it. I started to listen Queen in 1992, but it was the cassette without name, so I didn't even had a clear idea who is singing. And I became a huge fan in 1993. So, i'm a Queen fan almost 20 years - God, how old I am!! :shocked:
  5. Perez wrote about this album http://perezhilton.com/2011-11-23-mika-christmas-album-vive-la-vent-french-jingle-bells#.Ts4gW7Ik67s P.S! We know he's singing in French, but it really sounds like he's saying "Louboutins! Louboutins!" We don't know, maybe subconsciously that's just what really want for Christmas. LOL. Really LOL
  6. I start thinking the the New F*ck Off Album is some mythical thing that exist as an idea but we will never hear it.
  7. Yes, February CAN sound plausible! But please not May Moreover, my husband is bullying me since summer: Where is his new album? What he is doing for so long? I'm tired to fight back and invent excuses.
  8. Why February is early? He stated that his album is half ready more than a year ago And described the style of it already in June 2010. I think April is too much, let alone May! Wasn't he talking in Korea about Christmas? Or was it really the next Xmas? I won't bear that postpones anymore I'm frustrated.
  9. Mika's voice is awesome, so rich and variable, like a diamond. He really created a masterpiece with his voice! Light and airy, like a fairytale But the music.... Especially at the beginning, it's something bleeeh. After my son drove me crazy playing Argry Birds in Rio it makes me only laugh. Moreover, it remind me Mas Que Nada (especially the Black Eyed Peas's cover). I like latino music, but not in this song. If only Mika could play his own variant, without this way-too-funny music!
  10. Simplistic, and very beautiful. And sad, like November. It's so sweet!
  11. Thank you for your kind words You can take a photo of your work and post here.
  12. Wow, maybe soon EMD will travel to Ukraine! We are the next country from Poland to the East All I hear here, is sometimes Relax...
  13. Thank you for your answer! Yes, I saw you thread But maybe I have to check it again
  14. Thank you, girls! But can you tell me, as a professional, the week points? Your last drawing is so amazing, that you will be always an ideal for me
  15. Hi girls! I'm here again. This thing I almost hate because I never drew a pic so hard, and I'm not happy with it (but I'm tired of this portrait and can't repair anymore). But well, here it is. I would like to hear what you don't like with it, because I need to learn.
  16. Oawwwwww.... Underwater!!!!!!! Never thought I would fangurl at Wonka's thread!
  17. It didn't worked for me, but I put the right link.. It's OK now!

  18. But if I know Spanish, for example, I can communicate in all the parts of Spain easily, or some of them prefer their own dialect (as if I go in the crowd and listen I would understand nothing)?

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