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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. I would never thought it is language from Spain! I would definitely understand nothing at this part of country... And which parts of Spain people talk a literature Spanish? Are there any other dialects?
  2. First pic's hair looks better than second At least naturally.
  3. You will laugh, but after posting my vids here, I had a thought about you in the context of Rihanna And here you really tell it! I'm a prophet
  4. Aha, it's the t-shirt that I said that I like (1-2 pages ago). The one he wore with Gaga, and the last Autumn in South America.
  5. It's a Ukrainian singer Lama [YOUTUBE]fjerddu5Pwo&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] Druha Rika [YOUTUBE]Gl3x9ME0HcY&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] С.К.А.Й [YOUTUBE]5MrYVRDMnAg&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
  6. I remember sharing Green watches and something else, don't remember...
  7. Are you kidding? I love this t-shirt!!! And Mika in it Funny, why I mostly like things that other people don't like, and vice versa?
  8. I hope Mika's songs will help him to learn English in the future. He tried to sing Love today being 2 y.o!!! God girl My son loves this Big Bad Wolf too I even have one in my hoodie!
  9. YKYAMF when your 3 y.o son, who has no idea about different languages, sings along some words in Mika's songs. And most of all he loves "Big bust on, Big bust on, Big bust on" - luckily no-one pays attention to it in my family, because they are poor in English
  10. So - is in not a Photoshop ( I mean Prince)? Does Mika wears these glasses the same way I wear green watches (which look almost like Mika's)? How nice Seems like the same. He started to wear them only after KAss. I was dreaming that after the Kyiv gig (:boxed:) he can wear these glasses at M&G Don't ask me
  11. @Christine Oh, I was talking about these pics - the third is unbearable!!! But I have to force myself to save them Yes, I remember that gig, I saw this pic and It was second wave of his Twitter attack with my praises to his glasses. Hope he didn't mind
  12. Wonka, it is not the worst! The same outfit but with long straight hair - that was awful Does someone have the pic that I've just described? I didn't bother to save nightmare pics, as I said, but I see that sometimes even the worst pics can be useful. Really??? I loved this jacket from the first sight! I wasn't at MFC at that time, otherwise I would fight for it and defend here and there No... Mika and his KickAss-type glasses is the chickeniest thing that I've ever seen! :wub2:
  13. Are you kidding, Wonka? Or you are really asking? In case this time you are serious: those yellow glasses he wore at Chubbibunny interview. You know them, I tell you. I can't post a pic here, coz I don't have any I don't save nightmare photos
  14. Oh, Yeah, Mika, spank us! :naughty: Don't worry, we will spoil you even more.
  15. And I had no idea about your feelings till now??? you're the 3d! Yes, those glasses completely spoiled the interview, it would be such a cute vid! Hope Mika doesn't have them hidden in drawer somewhere. If tomorrow we will see him in those glasses, it will mean the only one thing: he lurks this thread
  16. Hehe! Finally I've met someone who dislikes these glasses as much as I do! Even birdie t-shirt and rolled up pants became cute thingies after a year, but these yellow glasses are the worst thing Mika has got.
  17. :roftl: It is so cute! Such little things become so special because of Mika Once I was presented a little dog toy who looks exactly like baby Melachi!
  18. Are you going to cause a heart attack to a poor old woman, in the cold lonely night, with this pic of... ummm. hat???
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