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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Oh, thank you so much! As soon as this busy crazy week-end is over, I will scrutinize it!
  2. Thank you! I don't want you to bother too much, but if you come across something useful, it would be great. I learned English listening to my teachers in the University there were several lessons about the difference, but at that time I wasn't interested. We watched some movies, always American, so I suppose I used to hear American English. But when I watch snatches of British movies I really see no difference. And I feel dumb
  3. I am worried, that I see no difference - when I watch film or hear someone talking, I will never tell from which country this man. And YT videos, where common people try to speak with different accents, are not convincing I have an awful pronunciation, because I have no-one to speak to, I can only write a bit. So, if I will train by myself (e.g. reading a text aloud) I need to know how to pronounce the words.
  4. Totally agree with you. As for me, who is very far from the culture to which this song feels close (God, I don't know how to say it properly) the song is just boring. I mean, in my country this song (even Jingle Bells) is not a symbol of Xmas, so I can tell about this song in cold blood. Let it Snow sounded awesome in Mika's performance, and this song is rather featureless. Maybe if I hear this song in its full for several tines, I will change my mind. But now I'm not impressed.
  5. Hello teachers! Maybe you know some site or videos, that clearly explain the difference between British and American English? I watched some videos in YT, but I really need something more fundamental and clear.
  6. OOOOOOOO MMMMMMMY GOD! It is fantastic! In an hour?
  7. Have you paid attention to my post at Twitter thread where I quoted myself? I think it tell s lot
  8. Maybe he is good at capturing and photoshoping himself? The last pic was photoshopped too!
  9. "seeing everything through pink glasses expecting everyone to be as nice as Da Boss" - that's right! But don't mind, I watch such arguings from time to time, and I'm getting more and more relaxed about it. You have to get used to such little wars. Moreover, usually there is nothing personal. Anyway, MFC community is the most intelligent and nice fan club I've ever seen, even in spite of such arguments.

  10. Hello! :bye: I went to check what you were talking about. Thank you so much for your comment! But I doubt that it will "fall into a fertile ground". I never saw them saying "Oh sorry, I was wrong". I bet that some people will find a way to twist your post, as it happens all the time. But anyway, it feels so warm to read your words! Thank you sweety!

  11. I had no doubts that someone will mention this manly wallet
  12. Great avatars! Ohh the first... Have you seen his neck? Yep, it's the Hair thread, but have you seen HIS NECK?
  13. I remember even my first approximate date, when I became a fan of his music (only music!) - 29 Jan 2007. I wasn't able to tell this date at first, but saw in Wikipedia, that at this day GK came put. And, because I had University Holidays, I had MTV and VH1 switched on all day long for several weeks, and can state that I managed to catch GK at the first day of its appearing. And I'm proud of it So, today's date is becoming a fan of Mika's personality. The day when I lost my mind
  14. One of the first things that I remember that evening is this!



  15. Awww, thank you! I feel like it's my secret Birthday! I'm much happier than on my real Birthday
  16. HOW DO YOU KNOW??????????


    That evening 2 years ago - it was exactly this vid that I remember fangurling over, like mental.

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

    The way he smiled in the end put me into coma!

  17. Tonight will be 2 years since I entered in YT search Mika's name - just to look if he created something new (while I was busy with a baby and fell out of music world for 2 years). And I lost my mind, my soul and my heart Just pressed 4 letters, and my life completely changed. So happy I did it!
  18. :floor:

    MFC is his "Moaning Wife" - no matter what he does or does not!


  19. That's the right word! Sensual and vulnerable. Killing combination!
  20. Oh, I fought my gig-cancelled depression only after Korean gig, so no... I hate the word Cancelled.

    Thank you! You're so kind!

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