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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. It's not even a grin! Just confess that you can't live without these clown pics these days!
  2. And so son and so on - it is freakin brilliant! This place is really bunch of pervs, though
  3. I came to MFC after the new team was formed, so I had no chance to know Luke better. But it was good of him! I'm afraid with the time flowing poor die-hard fans will get less and less of such privileges :sneaky:

  4. But he really looks like Beautiful Creature here! Like once he said about Prince. I don't want to see him at the gig this way, but here, at the session pic, he looks stunning!
  5. Yeeeeahh that's right! I'm a notorious Mika's back fan :das:

  6. "So i was sitting in a bar and this guy came up to me and he said "my life stinks" and i saw his gold credit card and i saw the way he was looking at people across the room and i looked at his face, and you know, quite a good looking face and i just said: "dude, your perspective on life sucks" OK!
  7. Can someone tell me the EXACT words of the BIONG beginning? Especially - what is he saying - what a good looking face, or quite ?
  8. Someone wrote - there are 4 the loveliest people on one pic. It is really great work!!! That's why I love the old threads :)

  9. Found a nice pic in old Gasmics!



  10. We are looking for the short vid of Mika dressed like doctor. Something in French, if I'm not mistaken.
  11. Have I posted this UnderWater variant? Tried to make the colours as I see it.
  12. I was in Turkey this Summer again.... I love this country so much! Hope you and your friends are safe!
  13. Aww you are going to be a poster №1! :)

  14. Haha I see you are enjoying new photo account! Saw your pics at Alba's page :) how many pics you already uploaded to your albums?

  15. You are so sweet! I'm really touched.

  16. How do you know that I love Colmar pics so much ?? Green scarf fits him incredibly.

  17. Love love this hat!!!!! Being a LG, a saw this hat when we waited to enter at Lollipop, and suddenly screamed as crazy : Amazing hat, I loooove it!!! And saw his mother right near me At first I felt silly, but afterwards I thought that maybe she was pleased to hear it. I hope so. Because after my experience as LG I can do everything for her, she is just incredible woman!!
  18. What? Local competition "Guess a song"? It's really cooler than to recognize PUOTF
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