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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. I was afraid to be too critical this time as well, but, unlike Weather song, I adore it! I started to watch the vid with fear not to like it again... but I'm so happy now! I want to listen again and again. Anyway, I got used to Weather, so you'll get used to Under water.
  2. I don't even know what to say... It makes me sad and happy at the same time. it is something amazingly beautiful, and stays in your heart after the first listening!
  3. Hello.. Could you please show me my hand? I really can't see it! Hope I'm just blind :)

  4. I mean that the drawings contain a funny story, as we did sometimes in a Shrinks thread, that's all. And I miss those times a lot. Why are you boxed, hun???
  5. You almost caused me a heart attack by revitalizing this thread
  6. Of course, we know, right? Mine are at almost the same price But they are green and big!
  7. Wow, never heard this demo! Very interesting from scientific point of view.
  8. Thank you dear... I'm really not very OK... I still can't believe it.I still think of some things that: Oh, I will send it to DA, she'll like it! And only than think that now I can't do it anymore... She did a lot of good to me, and I will remember her,

  9. Слушай, а можно тебе партийное задание дать? В твоей возможности проследить, какие они там фотки для статьи отберут? Чтоб это не был как всегда 2007 год!!!

  10. I know only this http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24838&highlight=random+walking I's not about fails, actually, but it was a fun too.
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