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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. It is a reason for him to remember you forever
  2. Yes, I met him sooner than I expected. I remember spending Valentine's day reading reports about first gig of Imaginarium Tour and crying all day long. I gathered patience and planned to wait 2-3 years I wouldn't believe, if someone would tell me that I will see him in several months! And 2 days in a row (actully, 3 days, because M&G after 2.08 started only at night 3.08 ). Moreover, I would never believe that I would be at the same stage with him, and will meet his mother!!!! So, miracles happen.
  3. I thought the same. But I was absolutely cold-minded, ffs... ...only because my mind refused to believe that it is real Mika, not in You Tube:naughty: I just forgot a bit if English words and smiled like silly
  4. I totally forgot about this thread!!!
  5. My husband had it as a ringtone for almost a year My son does almost the same - from his 1y.o He refuses to listen to other music than Mika and I don't know what to do, because we can listen in a car only to Mika so my husband will be fed up with it soon
  6. Так ты же вон как пишешь! Что ж там еще учить? А как это по Мике? По Мике только самому надо - интервью слушать и читать, в песни вникать. Вот мне бы поговорить с кем, у меня ужасное произношенип потому что я никогда ни с кем не общалась на англ.устно.

  7. Ну, я дома за компом работаю.

  8. Нет, я переводчик. Имею право и преподавать, но это не для меня.

  9. Can you imagine, girls - I happen to be at this "mom"'s shoes! I was at kids disco with my son, and had to tell him all the time: "Dance! Dance! Why do you not dance? Why are you so boring?" And when I realized it I started giggle like a fool
  10. thank you, I try to convince myself in it... The good side is that Mika makes me wanna to do something, to become someone, learn new things. So, his words about wasting a life were a push. Not knowing about it, with several words of summer song he forces people to think about the real necessities in life, about genuine values. Sounds too highbrow, but it is true.
  11. :wub2::wub2::wub2: oops, forgot that it is a serious scientific thread:mf_rosetinted:
  12. Taking into account, that we still have no idea what he meant with some lines or even parts of some songs If serious, some songs are dissected into multiple quotes, and some songs are great despite weird illegible texts. For me, EMD has a meaningful lyrics, even in French. For example, Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? makes me almost panic. I start thinking at once what Mika got in his 27 (in spite moaning of "mum" in a song), and what I achieved in my 32
  13. I hope we will have both variants! I can't say exactly which one I like better. Why not to love both songs? After translation at MFC, I perfectly understood the French variant, so I had no problem with it. The only hassle is being unable to sing along, but I already learned Chorus and different lines here and there. I was a good stimulus to learn a bit of French. With English variant singing will be easier
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