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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. All I hear is Internet - the only legible word for me (as for real Internet freak )
  2. I did better! I wrote the text with Russian letters, while listening simultaneously with looking at the French text. Now I can sing looking at the text file in my phone!!!!
  3. ага, вижу

  4. что-то не вижу пока

  5. Дай линк на комент!

  6. Don't you think is too early for him? Maybe let him go, don't push at him for some time. If you won't give him a negative experience about reading (if he cries - it is very bad!), in a while he himself will want to learn. My daughter reads from her 5-6 years, and now she is avid reader. I think your son is not ready. It is really strange that in your country kids have to read so early. In USSR kids officially started to learn reading in 6-7 years, but my country was considered one of the most reading in the world.
  7. It's only now I've noticed the guitar parts in the song. I like this idea! I wish there would be more guitar in Mika's songs (like in the end of WAG at 2010 gigs).
  8. Personally, I'm dying of excitement - I so admire the stage design and costumes! Mika always told about theatre. All these years he was in process of approaching what we see now. Starting with humble umbrellas. The theatrical side doesn't suppress Mika at all, he looks even brighter and clear. Its "his". It is a magnificent idea about M-A style. Moreover, look how happy he is!
  9. Why not? Thanks to EMD I know a bit of France In future every MFCer will be multi-lingual
  10. I become more and more obsessed with this song! I never expected that would be!
  11. Thank you Crazyaboutmika and Roxy for the translations! Good description
  12. iMMa.... I missed her so much here... She was so beautiful and great at this gig, but all the attention still to Ida
  13. Greatest thanks!!!! Such a brilliant quality! :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:
  14. I'm quite good... A lot of new things happens at MFC, so many new info! I even have no time to keep me updated. You?

  15. Well well, kinda rolled-up trousers again esp. for Rosita. But if serious, I admire every bit of stage design, costumes, wigs! It's what always fascinated me. Imma is gorgeous! Her dress is amazing, and she looks so beautiful in this wig. As for the new songs, I still can't judge. They are beautiful, pleasant ant cute, but It wasn't a strike for me at all. But maybe after listening to it again (and in the better quality), I will like them more. BWeather sounds a bit "I've heard it before" due to the duet.
  16. Oh God!!!! I wish you the best luck! Hope it goes well. You'll be free as a bird :) Take care!

  17. I'm so sorry that you wasn't able... but are you OK? No problems with your husband? I'm worrying about this issue.

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