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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Oh God!!!! I wish you the best luck! Hope it goes well. You'll be free as a bird :) Take care!

  2. I'm so sorry that you wasn't able... but are you OK? No problems with your husband? I'm worrying about this issue.

  3. My best wishes to you, Paloma! May your personal New year be thousand times better, and I wish you strength and positive mood. I wish you sun and smiles!
  4. This is it, right reason!!! It's what I always felt subcontiously, but never had an idea to express with words!
  5. Yay, Wonka, You made me smile again, after all this 2-days crying!
  6. The problem is that he was after his 40. Mika is way too fresh
  7. AAAAAAAAAAAA Amazing - without his usual curlz he looks like my English teacher at the University! Where were my eyes earlier?
  8. Actually, it is a very strange thingie that he is wearing o_O It should be added to the ODD clothing thread.
  9. All in all, adolescence/adult theme again, dear Boss!
  10. Interesting! This song is here only for not many hours, and he made a cover! But anyway, I think that Mika's piano version will be totally different - like OFB or some variants of Rain (do you remember beginning at PDP?). More melodic and not a copy of electro-version. Moreover, the electro-variant will differ at gigs as well, I think.
  11. What a creepy song It steals my soul - I automatically press Play after it ends, and can't stop. From the first site EMD looks like nothing very special, but then I find more and more bits that I fascinate. More than agree. Agree as well.
  12. Firstly I didn't like the song. Too electro. Like Mary said - DJ don't care who feat.Some singer. But the more I listen to it, the more I sink. It grabs me. I remember, Mika once said about such ability of his songs. It softly and creepy gets you. But it is my first case when I came from dislike to like. Usually I like his songs hugely at once, or just simply like (as it was with KA - I was obsessed from the first note). The only BUT: no Mikaish. His voice is more like ordinary.
  13. But it's not going to be a stolen demo, it will be officially on the radio! So I hope they will put it somewhere in the Internet, at least in a bad quality.
  14. I won't be able to hear it then :tears: :tears: :tears:
  15. Woooooot???? Nooo, you can keep Mika with harmonics for yourself
  16. oh My God, I almost died of laughing! You're genious! YOUR tool??? Don't make us jealous, woman
  17. YNYAMF when you see a new Britney Spears video with pink parts on her hair, and have fun that she is copying Mika
  18. I speak Russian and I played piano a bit in my childhood, so I can pretend to be a Russian teacher LOL never move to Paris, Rosita!
  19. For professionals in English: How would you call Mika's accent?
  20. Was it mentioned anywhere? http://artfixdaily.com/artwire/release/4439-art-antiques-london-consolidates-success-with-strong-sales-and-in There was a visit from chat show royalty Oprah Winfrey, who braved the downpour on Thursday afternoon to visit the fair. Singer Mika and designer Paul Smith were also seen in the Fair.
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