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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Thank you so much dear Bojana! BTW you are the first who presented me Mika :))))

  2. Why :das:?? You think in the cake Mika will be hiding? wow :stretcher:

  3. Thank you, darling! :drunk_sing:

  4. Thank you, sweety! And I need my present Could it be Mika, please, please?
  5. I'm celebrating. At MFC. I'm a freak, uh? Hope, at least beautiful
  6. I may not be agree with you in many points throughout these months-lasting discussions, but only now I understood and got this simple and important cause of your point of view - why it is so. I Must admit it. Even if I was waiting for him in this vid, when I saw his shoes I almost jumped. It's like: Wow, it's Mika!!!!!!!
  7. I love you dear Eriko :)

  8. It is logical. But I allow him (inwardly, of course, I'm not such cool to be that powerful:naughty:) not to think of as for some time. Though, I immensely hope that we will get his attention at M&Gs in corpore and we will be rewarded
  9. Today I'm doomed to quote and scream how agree I am The bold part... OMM it's awful! Poor boy. I would hate it luckily I'm not a popstar
  10. @GingerLujka I'm not angry moreover, It's what I usually say myself. There are two parts of opponents at MFC. First group wants to participate in making him better and want him don't forget about fans, and other want to let him do what he does because of believing in him and leave him to his own business if he is not eager to socialize at the moment. Actually, we both want the same, but we are at the opposite sides of the scale (dunno how to make it clearer). All I see, that the same talkings arise from time to time. And we can quote our old posts It's just MFC's style of living.
  11. The same old story again. Endless discussions about what Mika should do and shouldn't do, and what he owes people here. He owes tweets, vlogs, he owes all the info where he is going and what he is doing, and more and more and more. I think the only person who has right to advise him what to do, and whom he may inform about his business, is his mom. And I find it very strange to see the discussion how much does he earn. Is is very private thing even for a common working people. So, even if he is s famous singer, it's his own business.
  12. Wanted to say the same. With his fans he is free and happy, and with VIPs he's just working.
  13. Thanks! We are glad to any second of Mika Unlike the last summer...
  14. I was searching so hard in russian sites and blogs about Moscow, but no-one shared any info.
  15. Now I start to suspect you, Wonka Now, everytime I make coffee, I think of Mika Though previously I was thinking about him anyway, but now it's like performing my solemn coffee ritual.
  16. I think I should go and look at that guy. Watched several of their vids today, but never paid attention at his appearance It's because I don't look at other men than Mika
  17. I think these are the pics for a competition, right? If so, there is no mine... I knew that it was sh*tty thing I did
  18. Sometimes David looks like fangurling more than mFCers Lucky guy
  19. He promised himself to work more (in the Catsuit article)
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